Agenda: ARTES 1 Presentation Days

The findings of a number of ARTES 1 activities will be presented at the ARTES 1 Final Presentations Days, 11 and 12 December at ESA’s ESTEC facility in Noordwijk, The Netherlands. ESA hosts this annual session to provide organisations with the opportunity to present the achievements of their completed activities.

Tuesday 11/12/2012 10:00 - 12:00
Session 1 Activity Code Topics of general interest Prime  TO
1a  1B.063 Study of innovative global SATCOM architectures Astrium SAS  Gustafsson
1b  1B.060 Emerging System Concepts for UAS Command and Control (C2) Via Satellite: A Pre-WRC-2011 System Study Thales Alenia Space - F Zeppenfeldt
1c  1A.062 A strategy for Introducing Innovation in Satcom Commercial Scenarios & Experimental Payload Definition Booz  Joly
Tuesday 11/12/2012 14:00 - 16:00
Session 2 Activity Code Integration with terrestial networks Prime  TO
2a  ID.009 Integration of Satcom Access Networks in IMS Core Networks TNO  Guta
2b  1B.062 Applicability of Cognitive Radio (CR) to Satellite Systems VTT  Guta
Tuesday 11/12/2012 16:30 - 17:00  
Session 3 Activity Code Market analysis and other opportunities Prime  TO
3a  1A.065 Satellite Solution Study to Develop a Broadband Service to the Mediterranean Union Avanti  Zeppenfeldt
18:30 - 20:00 Networking Cocktail offered by ESA


Wednesday 12/12/2012 09:00 - 12:30
Session 4
Activity Code Broadband satellite networks and other techniques
Prime TO
4a  1A.064 Introduction of Multibeam Networks in the Developing Countries Astrium SAS  Munoz-Delgado
4b  1B.058 Approaching the Terabit/s Satellite: A system study (1) Thales Alenia Space - F Mignolo
4c  1B.058 Approaching the Terabit/s Satellite: A system study (2) Astrium SAS  Mignolo
4d  1D.008 Efficient networking and MAC techn. in Next Generation Interactive Broadband Satellite Networks Thales Alenia Space - E  Accar
4e  1A.066 Introduction of Quantum Communications (QC) in Satellite Communication Networks AIT Zodnik
Wednesday 12/12/2012 14:00 - 16:30
Session 5
Activity Code Telecommunication satellites on board techniques Prime  TO
5a  IB.034 High capacity Flexible Broadband Satellite Systems Astrium Ltd  Re
5b  1A.052 Evolution of Onboard Processor Applications Thales Alenia Space - E  Zeppenfeldt
5c  1B.057 Designing & analysing system level reliability for low cost telecom missions SSTL Cortelini
Wednesday 12/12/2012 16:45 - 17:30
Closing session
Perspectives on the Future Workplans (in paarticular presentations of the ARTES 1 and 5.1 workplans for 2013)

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