Space Systems for Safety and Security (4S)

Security in space and on Earth are inextricably linked. The deployment of advanced satellite systems is crucial for resilient and secure connectivity on Earth. 

ESA`s ARTES 4.0 strategic programme line 'Space Systems for Safety & Security' works on innovative and secure satellite communication systems, and their integration into public and private terrestrial networks to enhance safety, resilience and security within society. We launch, conduct and co-finance services, systems, technologies and product development for safety and security systems. 

We work with user communities, institutions and industries to translate space assets into resilient and secure applications on the ground, for land, sea and air, for transport, energy, water and environmental surveillance, for civil protection, border control and cyber security. To ensure continued independent access to space solutions, 4S widens the options for autonomous and sovereign hardware and software. Space for Safety & Security: we bolster Europe and Canada’s leadership of safer societies. 

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ESA-STAR Publication System

ARTES 4.0 Strategic Programme Line “Space Systems for Safety and Security” (4S) Work Plan 2025

ARTES 4.0 Strategic Programme Line “Space Systems for Safety and Security” (4S) Work Plan 2024

ARTES 4.0 Strategic Programme Line “Space Systems for Safety and Security” (4S) Work Plan 2023

ARTES 4.0 Strategic Programme Line “Space Systems for Safety and Security” (4S) Work Plan 2022

ARTES 4.0 planned activities Summary table (AT, ScyLight, 4S and 5G)


ESA partners with Polish technology company to develop a satcom security solution using post-q…

The European Space Agency (ESA) has selected AROBS Polska for the Post-Quantum Cryptography Algorithms for Satellite Telecommunication Applications (PQC ASTrAL) project.

ESA and ITU collaborate to advance in radio spectrum sustainability

The European Space Agency (ESA) and the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), through a Joint Statement signed at Mobile World Congress 2025, in Barcelona, Spain, agreed to cooperate and collaborate in fostering…

ESA and European Commission partner to develop secure quantum communication infrastructure

The European Quantum Communication Infrastructure (EuroQCI) marks a significant step forward in meeting the EU’s Digital Decade target of being at the forefront of quantum capabilities by 2030.

ESA to support building of Estonia’s Space Cyber Range

Estonia, renowned as one of the world's most digitally advanced nations, is set to enhance Europe's space security capabilities, through the European Space Agency’s (ESA) Space Systems for Safety and Security (4S) programme.

ESA project achieves space-enabled quantum key distribution link milestone

ESA, together with a Starion-led industrial consortium, has marked a significant milestone in quantum communications technology with the successful implementation of a terrestrial quantum key distribution (QKD) link.

Opportunity: Space Applications Supporting Digital Transformation in Public Safety

Digital Transformation is the change of business by altering the business strategy, operations, products, and objectives through adopting digital technologies. By implementing digital transformation, public safety stakeholders can make better…

Invitation to tender: First phase for 4S system & services test bed

As part of the ARTES 4.0 Space Systems for Safety and Security (4S) strategic action, the present Invitation to Tender (ITT) aims to define, specify, and develop the first core elements of an incremental test bed to be used in support of complex…

ESA Signs Agreement to Support In-Orbit Demonstration of Spectrum Monitoring Services

The European Space Agency (ESA), RHEA System Luxembourg, LuxSpace Sarl, Aurora Insight and the European Business Reliance Centre (EBRC) are joining forces for the development and deployment of a European Spectrum Monitoring System leveraging…

Industry Info Session: ARTES 4S Prospects

ARTES 4S Strategic Programme Line ("Space systems for Safety and Security") has been created at the last Space 19+ ESA council held at Ministerial level. The aim was to cope with the need of specific efforts towards next generation secure SATCOM…

Opportunity: Space Systems for Safety and Security (4S) Applications

Our society, economy, security and sovereignty are increasingly dependent on digital infrastructures and more specifically on communication networks: any lack of coverage in some areas or loss of availability due to accidental or intentional…

Flight trials for greener aviation set for take off

Commercial flight trials that use satellite-enabled communications to reduce the environmental impact of flying are scheduled to commence once normal traffic levels resume.

Opportunity: Space Systems for Safety and Security (4S) User Studies

Our society and economy are increasingly dependent on secure telecommunications networks. These networks are required for the secure operation of critical infrastructures, governmental services or in transport.