National Delegations

The coordinates of the National Delegates to the Joint Board on Communication Satellite Programmes (JCB), a subordinate of the ESA Council in charge of Telecommunications and Integrated Applications programme, are provided herewith.





Österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft
Austrian Research Promotion Agency

Senssengasse 1, 1090 Vienna

Contact: Luc Berset (
Ph: +43 57 7553308

For BASS-related inquiries, please contact Elisabeth Fischer (
Ph: +43 57 7553304




Belgian Science Policy Office (BELSPO)
WTCIII, 30 Avenue Simon Bolivar
boîte 7
1000 Brussels, Belgium

Contact: Bram Van Droogenbroeck (
Ph: +32 (0)2 238 36 18

For BASS-related inquiries, please click here: 


Canada [¹]


Canadian Space Agency, Agence Spatiale Canadienne (CSA)

6767 route de l’Aéroport, St Hubert (QC) J3Y 8Y9

Contact: Tony Pellerin (
Ph: +1 514 262 8097


Czech Republic

  Navigation & Telecommunication
Space Technologies and Applications Unit
ITS, Space Activities and R&D Department
Ministry of Transport Czech Republic

Nabrezi Ludvika Svobody 12 - P.O.BOX 9
110 15  Prague 1

Contact: Josef Sobra (
Ph: +420 225 131 657




The Danish Agency for Science and Higher Education
Haraldsgade 53, 2100 Copenhagen 


Sebastian Lund-Kirkeby (
Ph: +45 72 31 84 03

Alexandra Martinussen Vikner ( )
Ph: +45 72 31 95 01




Estonian Business and Innovation Agency
Hobujaama st. 4, EE-Tallinn

Contact: Madis Vooras (

Ph: +372 627 97 95




Finnish Transport and Communications Agency, Traficom
PO Box 320, FI-00059

Business Finland
Porkkalankatu 1

Contact: Antti Tyrväinen (
Ph: +358 50 5577 936

Jarmo Leivo (
Ph: +358 50 5577 642




Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales (CNES)

18. avenue Edouard Belin
31401 Toulouse Cedex 09

Contact: Jean-Philippe Taisant (
Ph: +33 (0)5 61 27 40 78




Deutsches Zentrum für Luft und Raumfahrt (DLR)
Space Administration
Königswinterer Str. 522-524 
53227 Bonn

Space Administration

Contact: Frank Bensch (
Ph: +49 228 447 235, 

Contact for BASS Anke Freimuth (
Ph: +49 228 447 300




Ministry of Digital Governance

Secretariat General of Telecommunications and Post Directorate General of Telecommunications and Post Head of Directorate of Wireless Communications, 5G Networks and Space 

11, str. Fragoudi & Al. Pantou Kallithea 101-63, Greece 

Contact: Dimitrios Christopoulos (
Ph: +30 697 726 4185

Contact: Iosif Papadakis (
Ph: +30 697 205 6654




Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Department for Space Activities

1027 Budapest, Medve utca 25-29

Contact: David Horvath (
Ph: +36 1 4583452




Enterprise Ireland, Company R&D

The Plaza, East Point Business Park, Dublin 3

Contact: Barry Jennings (
Ph: +353 87 7831483




Agenzia Spaziale Italiana, Italian Space Agency (ASI)
Via del Politecnico, s.n.c., cap 00133 Roma

Giancarlo Varacalli (
Ph: +39 06 8567 233
Giorgia Parca (
Ph.: +39 06 8567 620




Luxembourg Space Agency
19-21 boulevard Royal
L-2449 Luxembourg

Contact: Gaëlle Jimenez (
Phone: +352 247 74149


The  Netherlands


Netherlands Space Office (NSO)

Juliana van Stolberglaan 3 P.O. Box 93144 2509 AC, Den Haag


Bert Meijvogel (
Phone: +31 088 0424529




Norwegian Space Agency (NoSA)

Drammensveien 165 P.O. Box 113, Skoyen N-0212 Oslo

Contact: Rune Sandbakken (​)
Ph: +47 97 98 51 22

Contact: Kjetil B. Michaelsen (
Ph: +47 928 46 568


Poland [²]


•    The Chancellery of the Prime Minister
Królewska 27,00-060 Warsaw
Contact: Tomasz Pińciurek (
Ph: +48 644 444 250
•    Ministry of Economic Development and Technology - Ministerstwo Rozwoju i Technologii
Pl. Trzech Krzyży 3/5, 00-507 Warsaw
Contact: Łukasz Maciak (
Ph: +48 22 411 95 08




ANACOM - GAC-Space Mission Unit

Av. José Mahoa, 12, 1099-017, Lisboa
Contact: Fernando Guerra (

Ph: +351 917212722 




ROSA - Romanian Space Agency

21-25 Mendeleev str.
RO-010362 Bucharest

Contact: Stefan Ciurel (
Phone: (+40) 722 409 029


Spain [¹]


Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnológico y la Innovación

CDTI - C/Cid, n°4 E-28001, Madrid

Contact: Javier Cañizares Garamendi (
Ph: +34 91 581 55 00 




Rymdstyrelsen - Swedish National Space Agency (SNSA) 

P.O. Box 4006
SE-171 04 Solna

Contact: Christian Hånberg at 

Phone: +46-8-40 90 77 78




Federal Department of Economic Affairs, Education and Research EAER
State Secretariat for Education, Research, and Innovation SERI
Swiss Space Office

Einsteinstrasse 2
CH-3003 Bern 

Contact: Moritz Glatthard (
Ph: +41 58 464 58 59


United  Kingdom


UK Space Agency,
Quad Two, Harwell Science and Innovation Campus,
OX11 0DF


For BASS-related inquiries:​
Contact: Dr Shuxiu Zhang, Head of Space Applications and Data
UK Space Agency (
Ph: +44 (0) 7752 782715​ ​


[¹] Member States not subscribed to ARTES IAP

[²] Member States subscribed only to ARTES IAP