The coordinates of the National Delegates to the Joint Board on Communication Satellite Programmes (JCB), a subordinate of the ESA Council in charge of Telecommunications and Integrated Applications programme, are provided herewith.
Austria |
Österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft Senssengasse 1, 1090 Vienna Contact: Luc Berset ( For BASS-related inquiries, please contact Elisabeth Fischer ( |
Belgium |
Belgian Science Policy Office (BELSPO) Contact: Bram Van Droogenbroeck ( For BASS-related inquiries, please click here: |
Canada [¹] |
Canadian Space Agency, Agence Spatiale Canadienne (CSA) 6767 route de l’Aéroport, St Hubert (QC) J3Y 8Y9 Contact: Tony Pellerin ( |
Czech Republic |
Navigation & Telecommunication Space Technologies and Applications Unit ITS, Space Activities and R&D Department Ministry of Transport Czech Republic Nabrezi Ludvika Svobody 12 - P.O.BOX 9 Contact: Josef Sobra ( |
Denmark |
The Danish Agency for Science and Higher Education Contact Sebastian Lund-Kirkeby ( Alexandra Martinussen Vikner ( ) |
Estonia |
Estonian Business and Innovation Agency Contact: Madis Vooras ( Ph: +372 627 97 95 |
Finland |
Finnish Transport and Communications Agency, Traficom Business Finland Contact: Antti Tyrväinen ( Jarmo Leivo ( |
France |
Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales (CNES) 18. avenue Edouard Belin Contact: Jean-Philippe Taisant ( |
Germany |
Deutsches Zentrum für Luft und Raumfahrt (DLR) Space Administration Contact: Frank Bensch ( Contact for BASS Anke Freimuth ( |
Greece |
Ministry of Digital Governance Secretariat General of Telecommunications and Post Directorate General of Telecommunications and Post Head of Directorate of Wireless Communications, 5G Networks and Space 11, str. Fragoudi & Al. Pantou Kallithea 101-63, Greece Contact: Dimitrios Christopoulos ( Contact: Iosif Papadakis ( |
Hungary |
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Department for Space Activities 1027 Budapest, Medve utca 25-29 Contact: David Horvath ( |
Ireland |
Enterprise Ireland, Company R&D The Plaza, East Point Business Park, Dublin 3 Contact: Barry Jennings ( |
Italy |
Agenzia Spaziale Italiana, Italian Space Agency (ASI) Contacts: |
Luxembourg |
Luxembourg Space Agency Contact: Gaëlle Jimenez ( |
The Netherlands |
Netherlands Space Office (NSO) Juliana van Stolberglaan 3 P.O. Box 93144 2509 AC, Den Haag Contact: Bert Meijvogel ( |
Norway |
Drammensveien 165 P.O. Box 113, Skoyen N-0212 Oslo Contact: Rune Sandbakken ( Contact: Kjetil B. Michaelsen ( |
Poland [²] |
• The Chancellery of the Prime Minister |
Portugal |
ANACOM - GAC-Space Mission Unit Av. José Mahoa, 12, 1099-017, Lisboa Ph: +351 917212722 |
Romania |
ROSA - Romanian Space Agency 21-25 Mendeleev str. Contact: Stefan Ciurel ( |
Spain [¹] |
Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnológico y la Innovación CDTI - C/Cid, n°4 E-28001, Madrid Contact: Javier Cañizares Garamendi ( |
Sweden |
Rymdstyrelsen - Swedish National Space Agency (SNSA)
P.O. Box 4006 Contact: Christian Hånberg at Phone: +46-8-40 90 77 78 |
Switzerland |
Federal Department of Economic Affairs, Education and Research EAER Einsteinstrasse 2 Contact: Moritz Glatthard ( |
United Kingdom |
UK Space Agency, Contact: For BASS-related inquiries: |
[¹] Member States not subscribed to ARTES IAP
[²] Member States subscribed only to ARTES IAP