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To develop a system (i.e., a protocol stack) that integrates satellite links (beyond line-of-sight) and terrestrial links (line-of-sight) in the 5030-5091 MHz band to provide seamless C2 communications for unmanned aircraft, UAVs.
Development of a Ka-to W-band frequency up-converter for use as a payload component in high-capacity feeder link systems. European state-of-art MMIC technologies are used for the development of the functional blocks. Superior performances, ideally at the level of the current lower frequency converters, are sought, in order to guarantee the quality of the signal operating in W-band.
The AmpliKa project will develop a high-efficiency Ka-band MMIC chipset in Wafer Level Chip Scale Package (WLCSP) format for satellite beamforming antennas. The chipset will offer enhanced efficiency, linearity, and cost-effectiveness, featuring a Power Amplifier (PA), Low Noise Amplifier (LNA), and Variable Gain Amplifier (VGA). The WLCSP design aims to increase reliability, with reduced weight and improved thermal and operational efficiencies
Development of an Internet of Things (IoT) satellite communications (satcom) device for teaching IoT and satcom in schools, industry and public institutions. The small and innovative IoT device can be used standalone on its own, or be integrated onto educational platforms such as LEGO, Arduino, micro:bit, and similar.
In this project, we investigate geodesic lens antennas as a cost-effective solution for mobile ground terminal for satellite communications. The developed antennas provide attractive features like high directivity, wide angle steerable radiation, high efficiency, and compact size.
THRIMOS addresses the current need for automated, optimized and systematic RF measurement tasking driven by factors associated with increased space object catalogue, especially for NGSO, for optimized RF ground infrastructure and RF-link usage.
In addition, the THRIMOS web-based interface provides a user-friendly multi-user experience for any distributed team involved in the RF management tasking enterprise.
The OTA80 project consists in the design of an 80cm Optical Tube Assembly (OTA) dedicated to an optical antenna for satellite-ground optical communications or QKD.
The result of the project is the ability to quickly build and in a cost-effective way an innovative 80cm OTA for companies willing to build 80cm optical antennas.
HANDING-OVER Project aims to contribute in the development of future space network systems (SpaNeSy). The Project has the objective to design, develop and test Handover, Data Routing and Radio Resource Management techniques for VLEO broadband systems, with their performances assessment through the development of a soft-ware system testbed
The objective of SEFIL project is to develop and test solutions that integrate high performance filters in RF
modules with medium to high Q-factor equivalent to brick-wall-type responses, exploiting the structural
part already offered by the substrate. This includes the development of suitable interfaces to other units
in the RF chain. L- to Ka-band filter solutions shall be studied, designed, manufactured and tested with the
aim of replacing bulky coaxial/waveguide filter in modern systems.
The MARINA project aims to compare the performance of DVB-S2x/RCS2 and 5G-NR NTN protocols when deploying broadband satellite services from geostationary (GEO) orbits in the higher frequency bands (i.e., FR2). The achieved results are contributed to the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) work item "Comparison of DVB-S2x/RCS2 and 3GPP 5G-NR NTN-based systems for broadband satellite communication systems" led by the TC-SES/SCN working group.
MARINA CCN1, an extension to the MARINA project, focuses on completely different topic: The evaluation of the IMT-2020 satellite component requirements and verification of the 3GPP 5G NTN submission for the candidate IMT-2020 Satellite Radio Interface Technology. The achievements are contributed to ITU-R Working Party 4B (WP4B) by the ETSI Independent Evaluation Group (IEG).
Satellite communications networks are critical infrastructure that are prone to interference, impairments, and other effects that impact their ability to deliver robust and reliable service. Qoherent is developing machine learning based radiofrequency impairment classifiers for improving satellite communications network operations.
The QUICOPTSAT project is investigating the effectiveness of the recently standardised QUIC transport protocol when used over satellite networks. The project develops an update to enable QUIC to provide similar performance to that achievable with TCP PEP (Performance Enhancing Proxy) based solutions. The performance benefit is demonstrated using commercial satellite services.
Project AI4AIT aimed at integrating artificial intelligence algorithms (with a focus on image recognition algorithms) into a system with
Augmented Reality headsets, to automatically detect errors, collect values and increase the efficiency of satellite assembly, integration and testing. A first version of such system was successfully developed and tested in different cleanrooms, and reached TRL4.
The project is a multidisciplinary activity addressing the electronic passivation system and the Li-ion battery cells. The electronic passivation device is a system designed to safely passivate the satellite battery at the EoL. It is connected between the battery and the PCDU and operates transparently during the nominal life of the satellite. Control logic operates redundant relay-based switches to isolate the battery and safely discharge it.
The ESA MEO Extension to REACH project is the evolution of the REACH platform to support the SES O3b mPOWER System.
This expansion integrates the MEO constellation fleet in the REACH platform, and in parallel prepares the ground for the inclusion of the MEO terminals and modems.
LEO FLOPs uses an innovative digital protection mechanism to enhance the reliability of optical feeder links for satellite constellations, addressing the challenges of intermittent connectivity. It evaluates the applicability of terrestrial backhaul protection methods, identifies gaps in existing path protection approaches for optical feeder link networks, and explores interoperability with terrestrial networks, therefore emphasising commercial viability.
The PPS®X00 Hall thruster is a new-generation propulsion solution that combines competitiveness, long life and reliability to meet the needs of the low-power satellite market. Matching the objectives of high performance and competitiveness is an ambitious challenge, for which success relies on the implementation of flexible and innovative technologies, modellings and multiple tests.
ACROSS-AIR explored the needs, requirements, opportunities, and potential solutions for establishing effective broadband satellite communication services to rotary wing aircraft, including helicopters, commercial UAVs, and UAMs platforms. The consortium analysed the State-of-the-Art, identified Use Cases and requirements, and performed system level modeling, simulation and analysis. Finally, technical and non-technical gaps were identified and related roadmaps were created.
New technologies like small, mobile VSAT terminals, high throughput satellites (HTS) and the growing popularity of satellite mega constellations are a major reason why interference has become an increasingly significant problem in recent years. Sophisticated interference detection and geolocation systems have been developed in the past years to combat the rising interference challenge. SkyMon PED is significantly improving the efficiency of such systems by providing very accurate orbit determination data for all active satellites in the GEO, MEO and LEO orbit.
The objective of this activity is to design and develop a computer control system hardware prototype and its interfaces with all subsystems to provide a self-sufficient optical quantum communication ground station without the need of technical supervision and without public internet connection.
A strong increase in the number of satellite networks challenges satellite channel partners to keep their service portfolio up to date for customers. Especially connectivity to the different satellite ground stations is a challenge in terms of costs, capacity and location. NAAS will offer a multi-operator multi-tenant platform to support service providers and help network operators establish new distribution channels.
The GR716B microcontroller has a high level of integrated analogue functions to reduce the number of components on the Printed Circuit Board (PCB) or a system in order to lower the overall cost and increase time to failure for the PCB or system. Analog functions integrated on-chip includes Analog to digital converters, Brown out detection, Crystal Oscillator, Digital to Analog Converters, Fast
analogue comparators, Power-on and reset functionality and Linear Voltage Regulators for single 3.3V supply.
The objective of this activity is to design and develop a high voltage power transformer in planar technology for Electronic Power Conditioning Units (EPC) used to drive travelling wave tubes. The aim of this activity is to develop a novel transformer design solution not existing today in Europe for up to 8kV class of EPCs. This new design is used for the next generation of compact EPCs with the main benefits to reduce cost and mass of the equipment.
The 5G-EMERGE project aims to develop an integrated satellite and terrestrial online delivery ecosystem to enable high-quality content distribution services. It encompasses a hybrid and fully native IP infrastructure to deploy edges in both 5G and non 5G-network head-ends, home networks and networks in vehicles. The 3GPP 5G specification is used as convergence technology.
Development of key building blocks in photonic integrated circuit technology such as lasers, modulators, optical amplifiers and photodetectors forged together into Electro-Photonic Assemblies for intrasatellite applications in Electro-photonic Frequency conversion, Photonic Local Oscillator distribution and data-optical transducers for intersatellite links.
Developing resilient distributed network management strategies for secure satellite constellations, leveraging advanced technologies like SDN and 5G to enhance performance, flexibility, and security. This project aims to create a robust, decentralized framework for future satellite communications, ensuring high resilience against failures and cyber-attacks.
The Quad-MPM is capable of in-orbit adjustment of the saturated output power (power flex). It operates two Dual TWTs, resulting in a Quad MPM with 4 RF channels.
This compact high power amplifier product is well suited to be used in active antennas for flexible payloads.
The IP Cores developed under this project implement coding and synchronization layer (for transmitter node) in compliance with CCSDS 142.0-P-1.1. The new standard describes the coding and synchronization layer for High Photon Efficiency (HPE) and Optical On-Off Keying (O3K) optical telemetry links.
INN3SCO addresses the study, definition, development and testing of access mechanisms to 5G networks via non-3GPP satellite systems. With this aim, Network Functions (NFs) already foreseen in 5G 3GPP release 15 and 16 for that scope (i.e., N3IWF, TNGF, etc.), and the associated multi-access methods (ATSSS), are reviewed, adapted and/or extended to support a non-3GPP satellite access.
The continuous evolution of the space communication market leads to a trend of using advanced coding and modulation schemes. Therefore, an increasing demand of Travelling Wave Tubes (TWTs) with higher output power and very high frequencies must be notified. This evolves to a technological challenge for components and materials and forced the qualification of a new electron emitter (MMC) technology.
MESNET – Mesh and Associated Carrying net for Deployable Reflector (2016-2024)
The need for Large Reflector Antennas (LRA) has been addressed since the very beginning of space communication. It is not possible to just make lightweight copies of ground-based antenna dishes. The limitation factor is the launch vehicle; therefore, deployable reflectors are needed to fulfil the performance requirements of the future.
The payload increase in future spacecraft requires advanced cooling based on a heat pump system. The core technology for a heat pump is the compressor. The centrifugal compressor is the unique technology meeting spacecraft requirements such as low weight and size, long lifetime, low vibration emission and oil-free operation. This project targets to develop a centrifugal compressor for spacecraft cooling.
Development of a low-cost pointing mechanism for mega-constellation satellite programmes and development of a derivate for high reliable mechanism for telecom or science applications.
The RASA project aims at designing and delivering a prototype capable of representing, in a visual way (3D), cyber security risks resulting from an EBIOS-Risk Manager type analysis and the consequences of an attack on a satellite communication system compatible with a typical mega-constellation.