ARTES 20 on EMITS: AO/1-6124/09

ARTES 20 Open Call for Proposals can be found on EMITS: ITT number: AO/1-6124/09.

Tender Documents
Please note: the documents on EMITS take precedence in case of any discrepancies.

ITT Documentation
To get access to the tender documents (password protected), you have to register on the ESA TIA website. For registration click here.

ITT - Letter of Invitation
(on EMITS: official English version)
Invitation to participate in the ARTES 20/ IAP tender AO/1-6124/09 and information on objective, eligibility, scope, bidding process, confidentiality and administrative aspects

ITT – Special Tender Conditions
(on EMITS: official English version)
Explanation of the several different entry points for industry into the ARTES 20 programme

ITT – Sample Contract
(on EMITS: official English version)
Sample contract based on ESA's 'General Clauses and Conditions for ESA Contracts'

ESA Telecom Technical Assets
ESA Telecom offers the possibility to access and use its Technical Assets during project execution. This includes access to satellite capacity on a best effort basis, uplink stations, DVB-RCS hub and terminals, network emulator.

Further Assistance

Further information regarding the ARTES 20 (IAP) programme may be found on the Integrated and Telecommunications Applications portal, the announcement of the ARTES 20 (IAP) Open Call, and in the ARTES Applications Handbook