Note that Microsoft Explorer browser does not support all the features of this application form. Please use the latest versions of Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome or Safari web browsers. ARTES Element Selection Is your idea applicable to satcom (i.e. space or ground segment or overall satcom systems)? * Yes No Is your idea based on Optical technology (including Quantum Cryptography)? N/A Yes No Which of the following two statements applies? * My idea relates to: studying a new Satcom system concept or architecture; identifying future technology development needs; researching future Satcom markets; or supporting access to frequency spectrum My idea relates to: developing and testing1 of a new technology, technique or a system concept in the area of satellite communication including communication protocols, transmission characteristics or the support to the definition of new standards 1In-exceptional cases also in-orbit experimentation is possible when testing in a ground based environment is not sufficient Is the estimated starting Technical Readiness Level (TRL) of your proposed technology development 3 or above? * Yes No TRL Warning For ARTES Advanced Technology, the starting TRL level should be at least 3 and the targeted TRL should not be higher then 6. placeholder2