daptiv PPM Help

The online management tool for ESA ARTES Projects

daptiv PPM is a web-based project management application that can help to organise and coordinate your ARTES contract amongst your project team and with your ESA technical officer. daptiv PPM includes several functions such as a document repository, task management, a discussion forum and Email notifications. It is accessible via your web browser which means you can use it at any time from anywhere in the world with Internet access.

Other features available in daptiv PPM include:

  • Easy drag and drop of files (including the possibility to zip with two clicks all the documents of a project into the local hard disk, while keeping the folder structure),
  • Searching functions across projects,
  • Dynamic Applications, which differ from standard/native applications because they can be created and customised.

daptiv PPM is the upgrade to the eProject management tool previously used by the TIA directorate untill April 2012.

ESA daptiv PPM administrators
