Final presentation: DVB-S2 Satellite Experiment

The final presentation of the ARTES 5 DVB-S2 satellite experiment activity was held on October 19th. Prime contractor EADS Astrium participated along with the subcontractors Telesat Canada, Fraunhofer Institute HHI and an interested audience composed of ESA personnel and representation from Industry and Standardization groups formed by Eutelsat, RAI, Newtec and the chairman of the DVB-S2 standardization group.

Different questions on the test campaigns results and interesting debates on the commercial application of the combination of VCM&SVC technologies were sustained.

The event was closed with a visit to the ESA Telecom Lab and a live demonstration of the Professional Profile Test Bed.


Time Subject Company Download presentation covering morning session
10:00 Welcome and introductory speech ESA
10:10 Study objectives and consortium EADS Astrium
10:20 Broadcast Profile Presentation Telesat
11:00 Professional Profile Presentation EADS Astrium
11:40 Interactive Profile Presentation Telesat
12:10 Main Conclusions EADS Astrium/Telesat
12:40 Q&A session with the Audience All
13:00  Lunch break
14:00 Study objectives and consortium EADS Astrium

Download presentation covering afternoon session

14:15 SVC Presentation Fraunhofer HHI
15:00 System Analysis & Test Campaign Presentation EADS Astrium
15:30 Main Conclusions Astrium/HHI
15:45 Q&A session with the Audience All
16:00 Visit to the ESA Telecom lab for professional profile Test Bed demo ESA