FlySafe Final Presentations

Friday 29 May 2009,
ESTEC - Newton 2 meeting room,
Noordwijk , The Netherlands


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09:00  Welcome (ESA)
09:20 Introductions: ESA and the Bird Strike issue, the FlySafe initiative (ESA)
09:40 Introduction to bird strike risks to military aviation (FlySafe Air Forces' representative):
1. Problem statement
2. FlySafe initiative and Air Forces

3. Air Forces needs and requirements for FlySafe

1. Introduction to FlySafe objectives, activities and system (University of Amsterdam)
2. FlySafe sensors (KNMI)
3. FlySafe models (University of Amsterdam)
4. FlySafe current services (SARA)
5. Plenary introduction to FlySafe demonstration (Universty of Amsterdam)

11:30  Coffeee Break
11:45  FlySafe system and services demonstration
13:00  Lunch Break
14:00 FlySafe results and way forward for Air Forces  (FlySafe Air Forces' representative)
14:20  FlySafe: outlook (ESA)
14:40  Open discussion
15:00  Closure (ESA)
15:15  Cocktail hosted by ESA