Discover how we can help you by clicking on the following topics. Answers include a direct link to the area you are interested in.
What the ESA TIA website CAN do for you:
- "I need the final report of a specific project."
- "I am looking for information about a specific project."
- "I am interested in the presentations from a certain workshop."
- "I would like to know what's new at TIA."
- "I would like to participate in the Call for Ideas."
- "I am looking for the Current Opportunities to participate in TIA projects."
- "I would like to submit a proposal to TIA"
- "I would like to know what TIA does."
- "I would like to get more and regular information."
- "I would like to get in contact with the Technical Officer or the Project Manager."
- "I am looking for a training course on satcom."
- "I am interested in TIA Assets, like satellite capacity or DVB-RCS Internet access."
- "I am looking for my national delegate."
- "What is daptiv PPM?"
- "What is the difference between a Subcontractor and External Services?"
- "Can we propose a payment plan which differs from the one specified in the draft contract?"
- "How do we invoice payment milestones?"
What the ESA Telecom website CANNOT do for you:
- "I want to answer to a specific ITT."
- "I'd like to know what the status of my contract or my invoice is."
- "I want to apply for a job at TIA."
What the ESA TIA website CAN do for you:
The TIA website is your gateway to satellite telecommunications, hosting a variety of services and tools to help you navigate and find the information you are looking for. This is how we can help you.
"I need the final report of a specific project."
You can use the search box located at the top right-hand side of the website to seach for the project name. Once you click on search you can also see the "advanced search" which appears. Under Category, select "Documentation" to restrict your searches to documents only.
"I am looking for information about a specific project."
Updated regularly, project web pages on the TIA website provide the latest information about objectives, features, project plan, key issues and main benefits of various TIA projects. To search for a specific project web page, just use the projects
"I am interested in the presentations from a certain workshop."
Every presentation from TIA events are archived in the documentation. Just select 'events' under category in the search form.
"I would like to know what's new at TIA."
TIA publishes new articles, new projects and web pages several times a week on its homepage.
"I would like to participate in the Call for Ideas."
The Call for Ideas is open only once a year, usually in April. It will be announced prominently on the homepage. An online form is available to submit ideas.
"I am looking for the Current Opportunities to participate in TIA projects."
All TIA Invitations for Tender can be found in the left hand menu under the heading "Tenders and Workplans. There you will find a Current and future tenders link. The status search box can be changed from Current to Intended to see those tenders which are planned to be issued in the upcoming year. This part of the website also lists the "Always Open Call for Proposals" tender issued for ARTES 3-4, ARTES 5.2 and the Newcomers' Initiative.
Business with ARTES
All ESA Invitations to Tender are published on the EMITS website, together with the tender documentation.
"I would like to submit a proposal to TIA."
This interactive online guide is specifically designed to help you prepare outline proposals to the ARTES 3-4, ARTES 5.2 and ARTES 20 programme elements. The toolkit provides nine modules to assist you, each addressing a specific section of the outline proposal criteria. Inside each module you will find tutorials, tools, worksheets, tips and techniques to help create your outline proposal document.
Access Outline Proposal Toolkit
"I would like to know what TIA does."
'About TIA' and 'About ARTES' in the left side navigation give you a concise overview of the activities of the department.
"I would like to get more and regular information."
By registering for a username and password for the website, not only do you get access to documentation but also you can opt to receive the ESA TIA (online) news alerts.
"I would like to get in contact with the Technical Officer or the Project Manager."
Contact persons and their contact details are displayed on the right side navigation of every project web page or highlights page.
"I am looking for a training course on satcom."
The online SATCOM Training Module within the Web Based Training System is free of charge and offers three levels of knowledge, from basic information for non-technical personnel to advanced for expert graduate engineers who need to expand their knowledge outside of their fields. Each level contains tutorials on SATCOM Technologies, System and Services, Communication Link, Space Segment, Networking and Earth Segment. These categories are further divided into more detailed specialist areas and include some exercises at the end. The SATCOM Training Module can be accessed via the User Support Office.
"I am interested in TIA Assets, like satellite capacity or DVB-RCS Internet access."
For the purpose of supporting contractual activities in the TIA Programme Lines, the Agency can provide, on a best effort basis and free of charge, access to a pool of Technical Assets for use by different projects. These technical assets include DVB-RCS Internet Access, Satellite Capacity as well as Access to ESA's DVB Uplink facilities and Local Area Network.
"I am looking for my national delegate."
The contact details of all national delegations from ESA Member States can be found under the Directory of Contacts in the User Support Office.
"What is daptiv PPM?"
daptiv PPM is a web-based project management and collaboration tool freely available to all companies that are under an active contract with TIA.
Please contact your Technical Officer for further information.
"What is the difference between a Subcontractor and External Services?"
External services cover services such as hire of facilities, computer services, manpower services (e.g. consultancy), plating of parts, services for procurement of HIREL parts etc. The costs for these should be shown on the PSS A2 form of the Prime Contractor under Other Cost Elements Point 3.7 and further detailed on Exhibit.
A Third Party should be involved as subcontractor (not as external services) when they are contributing to the development work of the project, when they are responsible for the realisation of specific work packages. To include a Third Party as Subcontractor also involves a firm commitment by the Third Party (contract between Prime contractor and Subcontractor) and is especially recommended when this Third Party is essential to carry out the activity.
"Can we propose a payment plan which differs from the one specified in the draft contract?"
In principle, the first (advance) payment and the final payment are fixed. The remaining payments can be proposed by the Tenderer with respect to dates and amounts, but should take into account a balance between expenditures and payments and should be related to achievements (conclusion of work packages, development of hardware/software, reviews, etc).
"How do we invoice payment milestones?"
Payment milestones have to be invoiced when reaching the achievements related to the specific milestones and as defined in the Milestone Payment Plan included in the contract. Each payment milestone is broken down to the amounts that pertain to each member of the Project team. Project Team members have to issue a specific invoice for the part of their competence. Subcontractors have to submit their invoices to the Prime contractor. The Prime contractor approves the invoices and submits them to ESA as specified in the contract. ESA checks if the required milestone achievements have been reached and payments will be made within one month directly to all contractors.
For example, if the payment plan agreed in the contract foresees the following breakdown:
Milestone M Amount
- Company A (prime) 25 kEuro
- Company B (subcontractor) 12 kEuro
- Company C (subcontractor) 0 kEuro
- Company D (subcontractor) 18 kEuro
Company A will have to issue an invoice for 25 k EUR directly to ESA. Company B and D will have to issue an invoice of 12 and 18 k EUR respectively to Company A for approval and forwarding to ESA. When ESA receives the invoices of Company B and D endorsed by Company A, ESA will proceed with the payment of the invoice directly to the accounts of Company B and D.
What the TIA website CANNOT do for you:
"I want to answer to a specific ITT."
The ESA D/TIA website does not give access to the documentation of specific Invitations to Tender (ITT's). To download Statement of Works, Contracts or Tender Conditions as well as Clarifications, you need to open the specific ITT on EMITS, ESA's Electronic Mail Invitation to Tender.
Getting a subscription is an effective way of staying informed about new ITT's per email. Subscribing is easy, just request a password on EMITS and receive access to these services and ITT documentation.
"I want to apply for a job at TIA."
Vacancies for all ESA departments and information about careers are published only on the ESA portal website:
The current list of vacancies is listed here: