Iris Phase II.1 Workshop 26-27 May, Prague

Public status point on Phase II.1 of Iris and a meeting of all actors to help future coordination.

Ministry of Transport
nábÅ™eží Ludvíka Svobody 12/1222
Prague 1

Agenda and Presentations

Please click on the speaker's name to download the presentation:

26th May

Time Subject Speaker
13.00   Registration
14:00 Welcome address from the Ministry of Transport Mrs. Dita Schautova, Deputy Minister
14.10 Welcome address from the Czech Air Navigation Services Mr. Ivan Hubert, Director of Corporate Development & International Coordination
14:20 Welcome address from the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports Mr Vlastimil Ruzicka, Deputy Minister
14:30 Welcome address from ESA Magali Vaissiere, Director of TIA
14:40 Overview of the Single European Sky Nicolas Warinsko, EC
15:10 Deployment and regulatory approvals for Satcom Filippo Tomasello, European Aviation Safety Agency
15:30 Coffee Break
16:00 SESAR approach for next generation communications Nikos Fistas, SJU P.15.2.4 Project Manager
& Pierpaolo Tavernise, SJU P.15.2.6 Project Manager
16:30 Overview of ESA Iris Programme Nathalie Ricard, ESA
17:30 Cocktail sponsored by Honeywell

27th May

08:00 Registration
08:30  Overview of SESAR Philippe Renaud, SESAR Joint Undertaking
09:00 Requirements and technical hypotheses for the system design Andrea Santovincenzo & Catherine Morlet, ESA
09:40 Regulatory/spectrum issues Tony Azzarelli, ESA
09:50 System Design: THAUMAS study Laurent Bouscary, EADS Astrium,
& Dale Irish, Inmarsat
10:30 Coffee Break
10:45 System design: ANTARES study:
Overview Luca Pighetti, Thales Alenia Space Italy
Visibility analyses Paolo Conforto, Thales Alenia Space Italy
User Terminals Radek Zaruba, Honeywell

Will Birkinshaw, Thales Avionics UK

System Options Paolo Conforto and Giacinto Losquadro, Thales Alenia Space Italy
Ground Segment architecture options Bruno Lobert, Thales Alenia Space France
Communication system design: figures of merit Joan Manuel Cebrian, INDRA Espacio
12:30 Lunch break
Sponsored by the Czech Space Office
13:30 Operation studies (HERMES, OPERA and SIRIO):
HERMES Study Dale Irish, Inmarsat
OPERA study Mervyn Harris, SITA
SIRIO study Manuela Rossi, Telespazio
Panel session with the Project Managers:
Presentations addressing the service model, revenue model, technical constraints and deployment timeline Dale Irish, Inmarsat & Carlos Hernandez, AENA; Mervyn Harris, SITA & Robert Smith, SES Astra; Manuela Rossi, Telespazio & John Korna, NATS
14:30 Q&A session
15:15 Conclusions and next steps Franco Ongaro, ESA
15:30 Close