2005 Practitioners' Forum

A Practioners' Forum has been organised every year since 1992 at ESA's headquarters in Paris. Its aim is to provide an opportunity for all those interested in the space sector, whether students or legal practitioners, to exchange views, knowledge and information on the legal questions concerning space.

The 2005 Forum will focus on space telecommunications and on how convergence, commercialisation and new regulations have impacted on the telecommunications market. The programme will cover ESA SatCom, the World Trade Organization, the International Telecommunicatins Union, the digital divide and the response of the European Union to the new needs of the sector.

A number of experts in the field of law and telecommunications will address the forum. In the morning the subject under discussion will be the regulatory perspective followed in the afternoon by the business perspective. The meeting will end with a round table allowing time for discussion.

Those wishing to attend should fill in the online registration form and return it to the European Centre for Space Law (ECSL) prior to Friday's meeting.
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