The European Space Agency (ESA), CNES, EDA and the DGA are jointly organising the 9th Wide Bandgap Semiconductor and Components workshop to promote and facilitate information exchange on wide bandgap technologies for microwave, power switching, sensor and other emerging space/defence applications. This will be a 2 day event, to be held at ESA’s establishment ECSAT, Harwell, UK, on the 8th and 9th of October 2018. An exciting agenda is planned with contributions expected from academia, industry, and government research establishments. Attendance at this event will provide an excellent overview of the current status of wide bandgap semiconductor and component technology within Europe.
- Provide an overview of the current status of wide bandgap semiconductor and component technology within Europe.
- Facilitate information exchange between aerospace, defence, Space Agency and EU funded research programmes in order to enhance visibility on latest developments, allowing for a proper coordination that ensures a rapid transition of the technology into manufacturing industry.
- Provide industry and research establishments information regarding funding possibilities through European governmental institutions.
Calendar of events
Call for papers | April 2018 |
Registration form online | 4 April 2018 |
Deadline abstract submission | 1 June 2018 |
Author notification | 15 June 2018 |
Preliminary programme online | End of June 2018 |
Deadline full paper submission | 31 July 2018 |
Workshop | 8-9 October 2018 |
You are kindly invited to submit an abstract via the online submission form, by clicking here. The deadline for abstract submissions is 1 June 2018. Authors will be notified of the approval decision of the Committee members by 15 June 2018.
For additional information and registration, click HERE.
Attendance at the workshop is restricted to participants from ESA member states only.