ADS's new dual feed subreflector assembly

The commercial satellite industry has become highly competitive. As a result, there is increasing pressure for the key components of telecommunications satellites to be as standardised and generic as possible, thereby reducing overall design and production costs.

In response to these market developments, Madrid-based Airbus Defence and Space (CASA) has designed and tested a new feed subreflector assembly, or FSA, for the commercial satellite market. The new unit supports twin power feeds and their corresponding reflectors, accommodating feed chain assemblies up to 30 Kg in mass and a wide range of sub reflectors, without modification. This has been achieved along with other important technical objectives, including an operational temperature range from -180ºC, +180ºC and improved thermo-elasticty.

Through the ARTES Programme, ESA supported the development of the new FSA. Initial requirements and preliminary analysis and design were undertaken in an ARTES 5.2 activity. This was followed up with production of qualification model under ARTES 3-4.

"The FSA development programme faced some significant challenges," says Otilia Castro, Project Manager at Airbus Defence and Space. "But the resulting product has many benefits. It is has low mass but is very strong, with excellent mechanical performance and stability. The assembly process is simple and straightforward, resulting in real time and cost savings for our customers."

The new FSA has been validated for commercial flight, and its first mission will be the SES-10, scheduled for launch in 2016. This first flight opportunity for the new product confirms the acceptance by operators and demonstrates the effectiveness of the ARTES 3-4 programme to deliver products for the global telecom satellite market.

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