The meeting was attended by satellite operators, industry, broadcasting sector and ESA Member States representatives. They agreed to meet on a bi-annual basis to address topical spectrum related issues.
There was recognition that the importance of satellite systems is not adequately understood by politicians. While satellite broadcasting applications are well known generally, a wide range of other satellite applications covering such things as; government use, emergency services and other institutional applications, are less known to the public. Such applications bring substantial benefit to Europe and its citizens. The Advisory Group addressed this issue to make a case for adequate radio spectrum for satcom systems within the WRC spectrum allocation process.
The ESA Advisory Expert Group on Frequency Spectrum for Satellite Communication presents a consolidated front to defend the current satellite spectrum allocation and secure new spectrum for future satcom needs. Its key objectives are:
- To support ESA's endeavours for the Strategic Access to Radio Frequency Spectrum in order to reinforce the interests of the Satellite Telecom Industry and relevant value chain actors in WRC11 and beyond
- To develop a common understanding of the frequency spectrum requirements for future satellite systems considering short, medium and long term perspectives
- To better exploit where the greatest influence could be asserted in order to protect the interest of the satellite industry, at national, regional (e.g. EC) and international level
- To set priorities and to better shape future ESA technical study activities in this domain
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