Air Traffic Management via satellite

ESA is embarking on development of an entirely new approach to how air traffic will be managed. Making this a reality will require a new programme line in the European Space Agency's Telecommunications Department to be called IRIS.

IRIS will contribute to an initiative of the European Commission called 'the Single European Sky', which intends to change the future structure of air traffic control across Europe. ESA, with the support of the European space industry, Eurocontrol, Air Navigation Service Providers and national space agencies is preparing to carry out all the necessary work.

ESA has prepared this special webpage on this exciting new horizon for satellite telecommunications. Bookmark it to learn more on ATM via satellite and ESA's role in bringing it to Europe.


The need to improve Air Traffic Management in Europe
Air traffic in developed countries is on the rise. Nowhere is that more true than in Europe. In 2004, Air transport contributed about 220b euro indirectly or directly to the European economy, not to mention the roughly 4 million people it employs.
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  The Single European Sky ATM Research (SESAR) programme
The EU is moving towards implementation of the Single European Sky policy, supported by the Single European Sky ATM Research (SESAR) project for implementing a new Air Traffic Management (ATM) administrative, operational and technical concept.
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  Why satellite
Due to congestion in the VHF (Very High Frequency) band all levels of civil aviation authorities recognise that a new system in another frequency band needs to be developed in the near future. SatComs have the advantage of using different frequency bands.
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  ESA's role and work accomplished and underway
One of the European Space Agency's main mandates is to support space-based applications for the benefit of the European citizen.
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  Benefits to Member States
Member States will benefit from a more efficient proposed solution for ATM. They will once again be able to prove the value of the investment in satellite technologies made in past years.
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  Acronyms & Abbreviations
for Satellite communications for Air Traffic Management
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