ARTES Call For Ideas

Members of the satellite communication industry from European Member States and Canada are now invited to submit ideas for preliminary studies and technology development related activities. The Satcom Call For Ideas seeks to gather valuable inputs to help ESA establish work plans for elements 1 and 5.1 of the Advanced Research In Telecommunications Systems (ARTES) programme to meet future satellite communication needs.

For further details on how to develop and present your ideas, please see the detailed announcement.

Ideas and suggestions can be submitted at any time throughout the year, but ideas submitted before the end of May 2014 will be considered for the first group of activities to be initiated early in 2015.

All ideas and suggestions are welcome and will be carefully analysed taking into account the adequacy of the proposed idea with respect to the objectives of ARTES 1 or 5.1 and the consistency with other ARTES or ESA-related activities.

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