ARTES helps ComDev Europe stake claim in marketplace

ComDEV sites two examples of where ARTES funding has enabled export sales with multiple returns on the initial investment:

Ferrite switches

Ferrite switches are a key element in fast, reliable switching of microwave radiation used in Earth observation and telecoms. There are only two space qualified suppliers in the world, EMS (US) (now Honeywell) and COM DEV Europe (CDE). EMS benefits from strong military support funding and traditionally had a monopoly in this business.

However, since the mid 1990s CDE have developed switch and electronic technology to compete with EMS and provide an ‘ITAR’ free solution. In 2000 CDE received £100k funding under the ARTES 3 line to develop Ka band switches to address the communications market. This was matched with internal funds. To date this has resulted in over £6m of export orders with an estimated £4m to come in next few years.

Communications equipment test bed

Communications Equipment test bed

CDE wanted to enter the market for data linking products (TTC and downlinks) and develop a broad capability in AIS receivers but identified that space heritage is vital for these mission critical items.

To accomplish this, COM DEV purchased an SSTL satellite platform to fly CDE’s AIS receiver. The platform had ‘spare’ capacity for other payloads, so under the ARTES 3-4 programme element, CDE took the opportunity to fly a TTC transponder and a C band downlink.

CDE received its first order in 2011 for TTC and Downlink for the Canadian M3MSAT programme and projections for the future are positive.

For more information, see the links in the column to the right.

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