Broadband on Trains

Broadband on trains via satellite
Satellite Telecommunications technologies and its associated range of additional services and applications can be effectively applied for the provision of broadband access to trains. Satellite provides extended coverage, direct access to mobile users and fast deployment of the service. Integrating different services within IP technologies and/or with terrestrial networks to achieve full coverage can make satellite communications an excellent candidate in supporting broadband access from trains.

Triggered by the interest of Train Operators in Europe and Canada and promoted by service providers and technology manufacturers, a number of pilot projects and demonstration initiatives have been launched in the past few months.

Train operators Forum
To facilitate this uptake of the Broadband on Trains opportunity, ESA is hosting the "Train Operators Forum". It is aimed at gathering experiences from Train Operators and elaborating a consolidated baseline of commercial, operational and regulatory requirements. A consensus based vision of the challenge will facilitate a coordinated approach and achieve a sensible economy of scale.

The Forum's activities will help Train Operators to identify the most suitable solutions in the different contexts and to work out a coordinated approach for the development of the Broadband on Trains services in Europe.

The Forum now counts representatives of Train Operators throughout Europe and Canada: Trenitalia (I), SNCF (F), RENFE (E), Eurostar (UK, F), Thalys (F, B), GNER (UK), Virgin Trains (UK), NS (NL), HSA (NL), NSB (N), DSB (D), SBB (CH), Viarail (CND) and UIC (International).

Furthermore, ESA is playing a pro-active role in facilitating exchange and co-operation between the supply-side (service and system providers) and the demand-side (Train Operators and Passengers).

ESA projects
Three projects have already started under the framework of the ESA Telecommunications ARTES (Advanced Research on Telecommunication Systems) programme:

Satellite Internet Access for European Trains (SAET), lead by Alcatel Alenia Space with the cooperation of Trenitalia, Value Partners and University of Perugia, on board an ETR 500 train.

Broadband to Trains, lead by the Anglo Belgium company 21Net on a Thalys train with a train travelling from Amsterdam to Brussels and Paris.
Internet for High Speed Trains (iHST developed by the Spanish company INDRA Espacio for the Spanish High Speed railway.

ESA initiative in Broadband on Trains is addressed at enabling real broadband access service solution for European passengers throughout all European Railways.

News Items published by ESA Telecom

ESA Initiative Broadband on Trains (16 Nov 2005)
Access to broadband while 'on the move' is becoming a reality for European citizens. Including this broadband access to trains has become an important issue with a huge potential. In order to address this need, the European Space Agency has launched an initiative to bring a real broadband access service solution throughout all European Railways. read more...

Pilot phase beginning for High-Speed Broadband on Thalys trains (21 Apr 2005)
Train travellers journeying between Brussels and Paris are now getting more than a just smooth fast ride. Thanks to support from ESA Telecom, the UK based company 21Net has begun a pilot service bringing High-Speed Broadband Internet access to all passengers taking a trip on Thalys.

Final Presentation on Preparation for Internet to Trains Initiative
The Final Presentation outlining the results of the study 'Preparation for Internet to Trains Initiative: Broadband on Trains, Analysis of the Opportunity and Development Roadmap' will be made at ESA/ESTEC on 3 July 2006. The study's aim was to provide industry, train operators and ESA with a review of the opportunity presented by Internet to Trains. read more...

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