COM DEV to supply TT&C transponders for FORMOSAT-7

COM DEV’s S-Band TT&C transponder, which was developed and certified under the European Space Agency’s ARTES 3-4 Programme, combines the latest gallium nitride power amplifier technology with a flexible software-defined radio (SDR) system in a very light-weight, compact and efficient design, using commercially available components (ESA class-3). The SDR is implemented on a field programmable gate array, allowing the use of different modulation schemes and data rates to provide a flexible approach for different missions and mission phases.
The FORMOSAT-7 program will be the third mission this equipment will have supported, having previously flown on exactView-1 and is currently preparing to fly on a forthcoming Maritime Monitoring and Messaging Microsatellite (M3M) launch.
“The ARTES 3/4 support in the development of our innovative new TT&C product was an essential element of its successful early adoption for the FORMOSAT-7 programme,” said Rob Spurrett, President of COM DEV. “The advice provided by ESA during its design and validation ensured a robust but cost-competitive product which we are confident will lead to further orders around the world.”
“COM DEV has an innovative and cost-effective design-to-cost approach which led to a successful qualification campaign,” added Xavier Geneste, ESA Senior Spacecraft Engineer. “This in turn made successful in-orbit demonstrations possible.” 


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