Download the latest satcom news in CONNECT

New satellite platforms figure prominently in the latest issue, which opens with a description of HYLAS, the Highly Flexible Satellite platform being developed by Avanti Communications of the United Kingdom with support from ESA. With European coverage, HYLAS will primarily provide not just broadband Internet access but also distribute and broadcast High Definition Television (HDTV).



The second satellite platform talked about in this issue of CONNECT is the Small Geo-Stationary Satellite. This small, general purpose geostationary satellite platform will improve European competitiveness in the commercial telecom market.

Just how satellite telecommunications helps other areas of space endeavours such as Earth Observation was well represented when a team of Arctic explorers supporting the CryoSat mission were able to stay connected via ESA Telecom's Broadband Global Area Network system. Read how it all happened in this issue of CONNECT.

All this and more can be found in the latest issue CONNECT newsletter. Download a PDF version by clicking on the link at the top-right of this page.

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