ESA drives a more competitive industry through ARTES-event success

ESA hosted its latest iteration of Advanced Research in Telecommunications Systems (ARTES) Final Presentation Days at its European Centre for Space Applications and Telecommunications (ECSAT) site, located on the Harwell Science and Innovation Campus in the UK. Taking place in 1st – 3 October 2024, it brought together over 250 attendees across 21 countries, with over 90 recently completed technology and product development activities funded by the ARTES programme being presented by European and Canadian industry.

The ARTES programme enables industry to develop and deploy technologies and product that enhance the competitiveness of ESA Member States Industry and provide high socio-economic returns by stimulating the wider economy, enhancing more competitive businesses and creating societal benefit for citizens.

Led by ESA’s Connectivity and Secure Communications directorate, ARTES has been pivotal to driving the European and Canadian satellite communications (satcom) industry since it was first approved at ESA’s Council Meeting at Ministerial Level in Toulouse in October 1995.

Over the course of two and a half days, industry, Member State Delegates and ESA representatives spoke of the current challenges the satcom market faces, which technologies are driving competitiveness and how ESA can continue to support industry on the global stage.

Industry presented insights into their activities across 8 domains - Ground, Payload, Platform, Systems, Future PreparationSpace for 5G/6G & Sustainable Connectivity, Space Systems for Safety and Security (4S) and Optical and Quantum Communications - ScyLight. Amongst the industrial presentations, 12 ESA keynotes focused on the current and future satcom technology trends in each domain.

The conference also provided participants with the opportunity to engage with ESA technical, contractual and financial experts through very busy “Meet the ARTES Team” meetings.

Additionally, attendees were also able to experience the ECSAT 5G/6G Hub and attend a showcase of Harwell Campus’ Space Cluster, through exhibitions of Oxford Space Systems, Astroscale, Open Cosmos, RAL Space, D-Orbit, MDA Space & Robotics, Lacuna Space, Deimos Space, Orbital Astronautics and EnSilica.

ESA discussed how, with a particular view to the Council at Ministerial Level in 2025, can meet the market challenges and regain leadership in the satcom market  and how to drive a faster time-to-market for technological development. Additionally, ESA discussed how it is harmonising and simplifying the ARTES programme to improve access to the programme, as well as introducing and implementing disruptive technologies and concepts into industries capabilities.

"We are looking at how we can revive the satcom market. ESA’s ambition is to answer to Europe’s connectivity needs... with a clear focus to support our industrial competitiveness worldwide, address the growing societal requirements for resilient terrestrial-integrated connectivity, secure communications, and increased European independency. Our aim is to regain European leadership,” said Laurent Jaffart, Director of ESA's Connectivity and Secure Communications. "ESA is a multiplier, helping you get to market and helping you to innovate – sometimes in risky domains, where you would not have gone on your own.” 

“We’re proud to see a wide plethora of industry and ESA experts coming together at ECSAT.  Participants are able to witness the results of the latest ARTES activities, whilst learning about advances and trends in satellite communication technology and products,” said Paul Greenway, Space Segment Engineer and ARTES Final Presentation Days co-ordinator. “The discussions taking place these days will prove instrumental in ensuring our industry will continue to be competitive on the global satcom stage, as we take these conversations forward to the ESA Council at Ministerial level next year.”

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