ESA Initiative Broadband on Trains

By making the journey for passengers more productive and enjoyable, it is foreseen that Broadband on Trains will make train operators more competitive against air carriers.

Already some Train Operators have begun pilot and first commercial activities; these include for example: GNER in the United Kingdom, Thalys in Belgium, France and The Netherlands, Trenitalia of Italy or SNCF of France. These companies are currently assessing the technology and analysing the business case.

The case for satellite
Satellite Telecommunications can play a key role in achieving real broadband access on trains. It provides a 'one-stop' solution with a low capital expenditure compared to terrestrial dedicated solutions. Satellite communications is furthermore easily scalable and adaptable to different configurations and conditions, and lastly satellite communications can be integrated with terrestrial systems for full coverage in tunnels and at stations among other locations.

A Forum has been active since February 2005 and aims to define a common set of commercial, technical and regulatory requirements from the train operators and passengers for Broadband on Trains services.

ESA is acting, from a user perspective, as a co-ordinator of the Train Operators Forum in which Train Operators are exchanging their experiences and needs on this issue and define in a coordinated way their Broadband on Trains services.

ESA projects
In the framework of ARTES (Advanced Research in Telecommunications Systems), ESA supports a number of projects for broadband access to Internet on trains.

SAET (Satellite Access for European Trains) led by Prime Contractor Alcatel Alenia Space (see related links top-right) has completed prototype testing with an Internet connected train from La Société Nationale des Chemins de Fer (SNCF) travelling on the Paris-Tours-Le Mans-Paris route.

In November of 2005, an actual deployment began of a fully engineered system with passengers in a fully integrated multimedia equipped high speed train. Passengers have WiFi access on a train operated by Treinitalia.

The SAET antenna aboard Treinitalia

Broadband to Trains

21 Net of the United Kingdom is active with a project called 'Broadband to Trains' (see related links top-right). Pilot operations have already been bringing High-Speed Broadband Internet access to all Thalys passengers on one train on the Amsterdam to Brussels and Paris line since April 2005.

Lastly, iHST or Internet for High Speed Trains from the Spanish company Indra Espacio intends to design, develop, integrate and test the necessary components for a Broadband on Train solution.

iHST provides the broadband capable earth station, which has been adapted for the high speed train environment and a Hub including new technical features as CDMA Spread spectrum techniques.

The project has started with the user requirements definition and design of the system. This will be followed, in February 2006, by the development and a validation of the system on a high speed train after which production and commercialisation of the terminal can start.

21Net Antenna aboard Thalys

In another project called 'Dual Polarised Low Profile Antenna Demonstrator' ERA of the United Kingdom is developing a low-profile antenna adapted for trains able to provide also broadband on board. This project was based on an earlier ESA supported project to develop an antenna for the automotive field.

What's next?
Analysis of the results of current projects will be key to identifying where further improvements can be made.

ESA furthermore, intends to continue activities within the Train Operators Forum. The Forum members will actively contribute to a market study activity funded by ESA aimed at defining the service and commercial requirements and studying the business models associated with Broadband on Trains. The first results of this study will be published in Spring 2006.

Based on lessons learnt from these many activities, a launch will take place of larger scale co-ordinated projects together with Train Operators, Industry and Service providers to deliver the 'Full Broadband on Trains Solution'.

To read more on ESA supported projects for Broadband on Trains click under related links at the top-right of this page.

All images courtesy project teams

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