The programme will be implemented as a Public Private Partnership (PPP). This ITT, instigated through element 7 of ESA’s Advanced Research in Telecommunications Systems (ARTES) Programme, encompasses Phases B, C, D and E1 of the EDRS system.
The EDRS system will enable satellites in low-Earth orbits (LEO), which are usually only able to communicate directly with a ground station for just a few minutes per orbit, to send their data almost continuously via laser and Ka-band radio links up to receivers mounted on spacecraft in geostationary orbit. These are in permanent view of ground stations, so the data can be sent down at high speed and distributed to end-users. This architecture vastly improves existing space applications and enables new services.
EDRS shall comprise of two data relay payloads in geostationary orbit and a ground segment. The two payloads in geostationary orbit are referred to as EDRS-A and EDRS-C while the ground segment includes a mission and operations ground segment (consisting of an EDRS satellite control centre(s), an EDRS mission and operations centre and an EDRS feeder link station) and an EDRS user ground segment.
The ITT outlines the work to be performed by the PPP partner in EDRS Phase B/C/D/E1 which includes:
- Consolidate the EDRS mission;
- Implement the EDRS-A as a piggy-back payload on a geostationary satellite;
- Implement the EDRS-C on a shared small geostationary platform;
- Implement the EDRS ground segment consisting of the EDRS mission and operations ground segment and the EDRS user ground segment
- On-ground verification of the EDRS including interfaces to users
- Launch and commissioning of the EDRS
- Commission the Sentinel 1A and 2A into EDRS, ensuring the EDRS will remain available to European and Canadian users.
Final selection of the complete team under the EDRS Operator is expected to take place in July 2010 with a contract start planned by the end of 2010. The mission itself is planned for start of operation in 2012.
The ITT is published on ESA’s tendering system or EMITS under
AO/1-6327/10/NL/US. Companies from eligible Member States are invited to submit proposals. To find out more information about EMITS and obtaining a password, see the links in the column to the right.