The initiative being launched by ESA Telecom is called the Charter for Applications Platforms or C4AP. It is aimed at projects with or intending to join the ARTES (Advanced Research in Telecommunications Systems) User Segment Programme Line for Applications.
The pitfalls of Do-It-Yourself
ESA has identified that many Applications projects have often difficulties to find the right platform, such as a video-communication tool or even a complete satellite delivery network. Past experience with these Applications projects has shown that many companies try to do it themselves, and in the process expend a lot of effort and resources into developing their own platform. This DIY approach is often done out of frustration for being unable to find a ready to use solution, operationally mature, and responding to the Applications project needs.
C4AP can overcome these challenges because all platforms included in this initiative are operationally mature, and all provide information that can really help Applications Projects to make the right choice. For Applications projects this can be invaluable when seeking a supplier in unsure markets. Platforms from C4AP are trustworthy and backed up by ESA?s experience. To prove the value C4AP can add to Applications projects, ESA Telecom hosts in its premises a Demonstrator of the each Applications Platform. This Demonstrator will give projects the chance to see a practical implementation, even before taking a decision on which direction to go.
The first application platform is now part of the initiative. MEDSKY is a telemedicine via satellite solution that combines a flexible software platform with Internet and end-to-end satellite networking infrastructure for enhanced communication services, including multipoint video-conferencing.
Although Medsky has been especially tailored to telemedicine applications, the C4AP initiative will potentially encompass all six types of Applications, from Disaster Relief to Location Based Services.
MEDSKY is available on a series of EUTELSAT satellites and covering almost 80% of world's population (image right). It provides high scalability, is fully IP based, supports multicast protocols and combines the QoS (Quality of Service) of ISDN with the broadband features of ADSL. All of this at competitive prices. |
More information on C4AP and MEDSKY can be found at the top-right of this page under related links and documentation.
Images ESA Telecom and MEDSKY