ESA Telecom's contact person for the Start-up Initiative Norbert Huebner said, "I'm extremely pleased with the number of the submissions. We've also managed to maintain the quality of submissions when compared with round two."
Information regarding the pre-selection results will be sent in written form to companies and National Delegations by June 13. It is then that every company that submitted a proposal will know whether they have been accepted into the next phase. No limit has been set to the number of proposals which will be accepted. Each proposal will be evaluated on its own merits and those which receive the opportunity to proceed will be asked to submit a complete proposal by September 5, 2003.
On June 17, 2003, ESA Telecom will also hold a one-day de-briefing and briefing for all companies which participated in the first step of the third round of the Start-up Initiative. During the de-briefing, companies will receive individual feedback of the proposal they submitted. This will be of particular interest to companies whose proposal was not accepted. Feedback on previous proposals and advice on improving future proposals is critically important to any company wishing to continue in satcom.
Especially important to those companies whose proposals are accepted will be the briefing. The purpose of this will be to offer advice on successfully completing the next phase. Information on how to administer your project and additional help in submitting the final proposal will also be provided.
To see a detailed calendar of upcoming events related to the Start-up Initiative, click on the link on the top-right of this page.