Forum on Bridging the European Digital Divide

The forum is organised by PricewaterhouseCoopers, together with the UK Prime Minister's Strategy Unit, Broadband for Wales and the European Space Agency.

A programme of senior level speakers from European public sector institutions, leading suppliers of broadband solutions and independent experts will speak and debate on issues confronting the sector. The programme will provide insight and impetus to the provision of essential broadband services throughout Europe, exploring solutions to its urban / rural divide and increasing economic efficiency in the context of competition from the new Asian players.

"This event aims to assess the impact of the Digital Divide on the Lisbon objectives in a technologically neutral way", explains Pierluigi Mancini Applications Strategy Manager for ESA Telecom.

The Lisbon objectives were set in March 2000 by the European Council to ensure that Europe becomes "the most competitive and dynamic knowledge-based economy in the world, capable of sustainable economic growth."

Bridging the Digital Divide forms an important component of this. Space based solutions can clearly help, as stated during the colloquium 'On the road to Lisbon' held in Luxembourg (see related links) last October 2004.

The Road to Lisbon

Interested parties wishing to attend should contact:

Ms Laura Penrose
1 Embankment Place
London United Kingdom

The Royal Society of Arts (RSA) in London UK will act as venue for the event and be open from 10.30 to 16:30.

To download a flyer on the forum or read more about what the European Space Agency is doing about the Digital Divide click under related links at the right of this page.

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