A full house for ESA's ScyLight industry day

It was standing room only at ESA's recent ScyLight event.

On 8 February 2017, the first Industry Day dedicated to ScyLight took place at ESTEC, ESA's technical facility located in Noordwijk, the Netherlands. ScyLight is the new ARTES programme element introduced earlier this year.

More than 130 attendees comprising industrial representatives of 16 ESA Member States, academic researchers, ESA staff members, and ESA national delegates discussed the challenges presented by Optical Communication Technologies and space based Quantum Cryptography applications.

Some forty speakers presented five to ten minute pitch talks, providing an overview of on-going and planned activities by European and Canadian industry and researchers.

“The workshop reflected great interest in Optical Communication Technologies in the satcom arena and presented the capabilities of the European and Canadian Industry in this field.”  says ESA’s Harald Hauschildt, the ScyLight Programme Manager.  “The information gathered at the workshop, together with additional roundtable discussions planned in the near future, will help to define the technical roadmap on satcom-related Optical Communication Technologies and will foster cooperation among industrial partners and researchers in this challenging domain.”

During the course of the workshop, the community clearly expressed the need for in-orbit demonstrations to prove the maturity to potential users of the technologies addressed in the ScyLight thematic lines.

Photo: ESA/C. Brace


The presentations given at the workshop can be downloaded below. Full titles of the presentations can be found on the event page.




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