HydRON - User Workshop

HyDRON User Workshop - #1HydRON

Date 16 February 2022

ESA will organise two workshops to get in touch with potential users of the HydRON Demonstration System (HydRON-DS).



The HydRON Project is implemented as part of the ARTES Strategic Programme Line on Optical Communication – ScyLight. The Agency’s vision of the High throughput Optical Network - HydRON is to enable the development and validation of the “Fibre in the Sky” or "Internet beyond Clouds" technology. HydRON foresees such a system to be seamlessly integrated in terrestrial networks at terabit-per-second capacity and to position European and Canadian industries in the lead for communication capabilities. The HydRON project is entering its Phase A/B1 stage, where two studies investigate and formulate a Demonstrator System (HydRON-DS).


Our general objective with these workshops is to capture current and future needs of potential HydRON-DS users. These will aid to tailor and refine both the services as well as system architecture of the demonstration system.


The first event will feature a Plenary meeting and a series of dedicated meetings between potential users, the Agency and the two Primes of the ongoing studies. It targets already identified users, but is also open interested industrial entities. The event will require registration and a commitment to participate in a user data collection effort. 

It will take place on 16 February, 2022 online via WEBEX given the global situation. 

Draft Agenda of the day

09:00   09:20    Connection time / latecomers
                               Welcomes and Introduction
                               Workshop Goals and Scope
09:20   10:35    Overview HydRON Demonstration System
                               Data Collection and Survey Process
                               Questions and Discussions
11:25    11:40      Break
11:40    13:10     Primes: Motivation and Status
                               TAS-I Presentation
                               ADS Presentation
13:00    13:50    Lunch Break
13:50    14:50    User presentations
                              Communication needs for future ESA Earth Observation missions
                              Future communication needs for ESA ESTRACK
                                Open Fibre
15:00   18:00    Bilaterals on request (with Primes)



Users wishing to attend the event will be asked to register below (button will prompt an window popup to send the team an email). Registration is free of costs, but there will be a preselection of attendees by the Agency. 
All entities wishing to join the workshop will be asked to agree to the following points: 

  • …to consent filling out a workshop user questionnaire and provide it to ESA by 18/02/22. The questionnaire is provided upon registration and serves the purpose to collect actual technical user needs to define the HydRON Demonstration System. 
  • …that the questionnaire can be made available to ESA, ADS and TASI consortia for further analysis in the frame of the Phase A/B1 study*. 
  • …to the ESA Privacy Notice and Consent form (https://www.esa.int/Services/Privacy_notice_and_consent_form )

Moreover, participants can request a time slot for a presentation during the Plenary meeting and request additional meetings after the Plenary meeting with either or both primes (ADS or TAS), in order to discuss user needs discretely with a restricted audience. 

* User data will be treated confidentially by ESA, and will only be shared in an anonymized form with the consortia conducting the studies. ESA has no commercial interest in sharing /reselling or otherwise utilising any information provided in the questionnaire beyond the purpose to establish relevant user requirements for the HydRON project. 




The second edition of the workshop is currently planned for end of Q3 2022.



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