Hylas-1 ready for service

Hylas-1 has undergone a series of tests to verify and validate the performance of its flexible Ku and Ka-band payloads. Conducted from ESA’s testing facilities at Redu, Belgium, the in-orbit test (IOT) programme has confirmed that all of the payload units, including the antenna system, are in good health, operating correctly, and that their on-station performance shows no ill effects from either the launch or the space environment.

“The IOT Plan included a very wide range of different performance tests” explained Andrew Murrell – ESA’s Hylas-1 Payload Manager. “We also demonstrated the payload’s unique capability to change transponder bandwidth, centre frequency, translation frequency, and transmit power in orbit via tele-command.”

Redu’s test facilities had been upgraded specifically to enable testing of future satellite telecommunication systems operating in Ka- band.

The innovative ‘highly adaptable’ payload was developed by Astrium (UK), with the assistance of ESA’s Advanced Research in Telecommunication Systems (ARTES) programme. ESA has devoted years to developing satellite broadband technologies through ARTES, and now several of these innovations are being put to work on Hylas-1.

“We've helped to develop and demonstrate in-orbit an entirely new architecture of communications payload, using a range of 'first-flight' technologies,” said Andrew. "Of the 66 active units forming the payload, 48 were developed under this project."

Providing European broadband coverage as well as TV distribution and other services, Hylas-1 is the first European satellite specifically designed to provide interactive broadband services, as ESA’s first public–private partnership in a full satellite system. The bulk of the mission is financed by commercial operator Avanti Communications.

“The in-orbit testing of Hylas-1 has been a complete success and puts us in a strong position for future growth,” said David Williams, Chief Executive of Avanti Communications.

"With Europe’s first fully operational broadband satellite, Avanti will now provide a range of satellite data communications services to consumers, enterprise and governmental organisations across the UK and Europe. In such a vast market with so much growth in data demand, and a strong customer base already committed, we are highly confident of achieving rapid commercial success for this powerful and flexible satellite.”

For more information, see the links in the column to the right.

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