Industrial Opportunity in Secure Satcom for Safety and Security

In response to growing challenges and opportunities in the realm of safety and security, ESA is proposing an evolution of its support to related European industrial efforts and EU initiatives.

 ESA Space 19+

The new Announcement of Industrial Opportunity is part of ESA’s overall programme for Secure Satcom for Safety and Security, known simply as “4S”. ESA aims to consolidate and increase its efforts under a new 4S ARTES thematic framework, inviting Outline Proposals that exploit synergies between the existing ARTES elements such as Core Competitiveness, Business Applications and Partner Programmes.

ESA’s approach is to use dialogue with industry to support the preparation of consolidated 4S proposals for ESA Space19+ (the next ESA Conference at Ministerial level, to be held in Seville in November this year).

Magali Vaissiere, ESA Director of Telecommunications and Integrated Applications, commented that, “ESA considers secure Satcom to be an attractive and growing market opportunity. This announcement addresses activities covering the full lifecycle of innovation, from preparatory R&D and product development to infrastructure projects, services and downstream development. ESA expects industry to define its own priorities in line with its own business plans, which may include opportunities emerging with EU GOVSATCOM.”

The deadline for industry to submit a Notice of Intent to ESA is 22nd March 2019. This will be followed by an ESA-Industry workshop in Bucharest on 4th April, after which the deadline for submitting Outline Proposals will be 10th May.

Click here to watch the ESA 4S video

Secure SatCom for emergency responders: a rapidly expanding market. Right hand picture credit:  RDT

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