Invitation to the Final Presentation of the ARTES 1 study activity Digital Divide: Satellite Offer (DDSO)

The study has been performed by the following team: EADS Astrium (F), Eutelsat (F), ESYS (UK), EADS Space Services (UK), Aramiska (B), Interoute (F), NERA (N), Vinci (F).

The study prepared the basis for a European Federated Programme to implement the Lisbon strategy of the EU and support the European Industry, to:

  • Allow better availability of broadband access services in unserved areas in EU25
  • Promote usage of public satellite services and allow structuring of the services distributors
  • Support the European satcom manufacturing industry through the development and validation of key components and features of new multi-beam flexible payloads

The study addressed the following aspects:

  • Definition of system and subsystem architectures covering both:
    -existing space and related terrestrial capabilities (1st target, 2003 - 2006)
    -optimised infrastructure to provide broadband services more in line with the demand in terms of maximizing user access, geographical coverage, level and quality of service (2nd target, 2006 - 2010)
  • Detailed technical performances based on a parametric analysis covering amongst others
    -nature of the user community;
    -geographic coverage (e.g. pan-E25, Euromed area, regional initiatives);
  • Key R&D for in-orbit and ground infrastructure needed to support the proposed services;
  • Cost assessment of service cost and development costs including required R&D investments for new infrastructure and benchmarking towards similar satellite based broadband initiatives;
  • Complementary functions and limits of the space solution compared with terrestrial solutions;
  • Assumptions and cost estimates for the promotion and deployment of the services covering system operation and user equipment deployment

The presentation will take place at ESTEC Room Newton 1 and 2 starting at 10:00 on May 22, 2006.

Preliminary Agenda

10:00 Welcome and introductory speech (ESTEC)
10:15 Presentation- Part I (EADS Team)
12:30 Questions and Answers on the first presentation
13:00 Lunch break
14:00 Presentation- Part II (EADS Team)
16:30 Coffee/Tea break
17:00 Questions and Answers on the second presentation - Open Discussion Session
17:30 End of event

We kindly ask you to confirm your attendance by fax or email to:

Mrs Pascale Tshilumba,
Fax: +31 71 565 4598

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