'IP Networking over Satellite' Workshop

The purpose of the workshop is to bring to light issues regarding the interoperability of terrestrial networks with satellite systems and the importance of this for market acceptance. Included in the discussions, will be the results from the European Space Agency Telecommunications R&D programme. This programme undertook a number of studies and developments that recognise the need for guaranteeing seamless connectivity for multimedia applications over heterogeneous networks.


The workshop will be held at ESTEC on 13 and 14 May 2003, and will cover four presentation sessions and ending with an open discussion. The four sessions will include 'Ipv6 and Link Layer Issues' and 'Quality of Service' on the first day. The second day will cover 'On-Board Routing and Processing' and Security. Speakers from across Europe will be on hand to answer your questions and give insight into a wide array of topics.

The workshop will be distributed as IP broadcasting so anyone not able to attend may want to take advantage of an uplink for remote participation. This will include a live video-feed and give the possibility to interact in real-time through email. Information for the uplink parameters can be obtained at by clicking on the link on the upper-right of this page.

Space is limited, so those wishing to attend are advised to register well in advance of the event.

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