IPv6 Presentations now online

The new Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) has reached a level of maturity which allows the beginning of its deployment. As already demonstrated satellite networks can be used as a valuable means for providing native IPv6 connectivity customers whose local ISP's do not offer this service, especially in areas with insufficient terrestrial infrastructure.

A second step involved collaboration with the SILK Virtual Highway, a project to connect the research networks of eight Central Asian and Caucasian countries via satellite to the European Research Network GÉANT. The project finished by providing a roadmap and a set of recommendations for future work in this area.

Additional speakers from University College London, the National French Space Agency CNES, Alcatel Space, MediaMobil, University of Surrey, GCS Communications, the IETF ipdvb Chair/University of Aberdeen, the Japanese company WishNet and RIPE presented issues related to the use of IPv6 in satellite communications. Please see the presentations referenced at the right side.

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images courtesy of the SILK Project

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