An information event apprising actors and stakeholders of the latest progress in the Iris Programme will take place on 4 and 5 February 2013 in Salzburg, Austria. Participation is open to all actors involved in Iris and interested stakeholders in satellite communications for Air Traffic Management.
Aims of the information event are;
- to present the latest update of the protocols of the communication standard designed in the ANTARES study and on-going activities until the Preliminary Design Review end 2013,
- to present the Iris Precursor service to be developed based on Inmarsat's SwiftBroadband,
- to stimulate the sharing of knowledge among Iris projects and with representatives of the aviation community working on these issues, and
- to raise awareness about future activities within ESA’s Iris Programme.
Events are to include a visit to the University of Salzburg Competence Centre for air traffic management where several simulators will be presented.
ESA will also provide information on recent decisions taken at the 2012 Council at Ministerial Level about the Iris Programme. The development of the Iris Precursor service has been approved, with sufficient funding awarded to get it started.
Considering the current schedule for SESAR deployment and the economic situation in Europe, ESA Member States have opted to postpone the funding decision for the Iris Development Phase to the next Council at Ministerial Level scheduled to take place in April, 2014.
Please note that attendance of the event is subject to registration. We kindly ask you to register by 20 January 2013 latest, by sending an email with your contact details to
A detailed agenda will be provided as soon as possible in January 2013.