Iris Information Event presentations available for download

More than 70 representatives of the aviation, telecom and space industries, as well as institutional stakeholders gathered in Salzburg, Austria this week to attend the third Information Event on ESA´s Iris Programme.

Hosted by the University of Salzburg in collaboration with ESA, and with support from FFG, Frequentis, 4D Aerospace and BCCS, the event reviewed the Iris programme’s latest progress.

Presentations given by The SESAR Joint Undertaking, EUROCONTROL and EASA provided information on the latest developments in aviation, notably the current schedule for SESAR deployment and the status of the SJU Projects linked to Iris.

ESA provided information on recent decisions taken at the 2012 Council at Ministerial Level as well as the outlook towards the next Council at Ministerial Level scheduled to take place in April, 2014.

The ANTARES Phase B study presented its latest design baseline, including the release of the draft specifications of the communication standard while the THAUMAS study and the future development of the Iris Precursor service were also presented.

Click here to access the presentations.

The event included a visit to the University of Salzburg Competence Centre for air traffic management where several simulators were presented.

Iris, element 10 of the ARTES programme, aims to supply a validated satellite-based communication solution for the European Air Traffic Management System. It is implemented in close collaboration with the Single European Sky Air Traffic Management Research (SESAR) Programme launched in 2006 by EUROCONTROL and the European community.

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