Luxembourg joins Iris Programme

Iris, element 10 of the ARTES Programme, aims to develop a new air-ground communication system for Air Traffic Management. It is the satellite-based solution for the Single European Sky ATM Research (SESAR) programme carried out by the SESAR Joint Undertaking. By 2020, it will contribute to the modernisation of air traffic management by providing digital datalinks to cockpit crews in continental and oceanic airspace.

ESA recently announced the ANTARES study which marks the beginning of Iris Phase 2.1 system design activities. Thales Alenia Space Italy was awarded contract prime and will lead a team consisting of top representatives from the aviation world as well as the space industry. This study includes development of the communication protocols as well as design of the satellite communication system. Several parallel contracts for analysis and definition of the satellite system operations are currently under negotiation; this activity will focus on operational aspects, and propose options for the service model and the business case.

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