Current Split TCP architectures suffer from security weaknesses at the points where the transmission is terminated for uplink to satellite and re-established at the down-link point. This is problematic for satellite operators and users alike, particularly users of Mobile Networks.
The project SaNTA: Satellite Networks Transport Architecture returns the TCP to a secure end-to-end contact by adding a layer along the TCP. Even though SaNTA supports end-to-end security, the changes are limited to within the network so SaNTA is fully compatible with current applications. Users in particular will notice optimised performance in the form of a faster response time to requests saving them money. Satellite operators for their part will be able to better utilise link resources. |
To realise this unique solution, Skysoft needed to first develop the architecture and then implement a software prototype. Extensive functional and performance testing was then carried out, both in a laboratory environment and over a satellite link. This link was provided free of charge by Portugal Telecom.
Mr Afonso Nunes from Skysoft Portugal has also announced that: "We're currently contemplating a complete test over DVB-RCS and Skysoft is actively seeking commercial partners for this test. Commercialisation of the software protocol would result from any future testing."
Mr Erling Kristiansen ESA Technical Officer responsible for the project explained why ESA lent support to this project: "Many ESA Telecom projects emphasise efficient use of resources. SaNTA is good example of this and with a wide scope of relevancy to, not only, mobile satellite and VSAT systems, but also to terrestrial mobile links and wireless LANs."
Skysoft will give a final presentation on the results of the SaNTA project at ESA ESTEC on 16 January 2006. Space is limited to 60 persons so interested parties should contact Mr Erling Kristiansen to reserve a place. |
To read the Project Webpage associated with SaNTA, just click under related links at the top-right of this page
All images ESA and Skysoft.