Now open- Technology ITT: 'Multimedia Satellite Equipment'

The objective of the Technology programme line is to maintain and enhance the competitive position of the satcom industry and operators by developing new technologies enhancing the performance and cost efficiency of equipment, subsystems and systems. Many ESA-sponsored innovations have already been deployed operationally.

Examples of payload and platform sector equipment include; antennas, receivers, transmitters, filters, switches, rotary joints, frequency converters, modulators, demodulators, signal processors, antenna track receivers, pointing mechanisms, batteries, solar arrays, propulsion elements, power system elements, platform structure elements, on-board computers, TT&C, attitude and orbit control systems, thermal hardware.

Those interested in bidding for this ITT should take note that, as Telecom focused development is priority, proposals related to inter-satellite links and in-orbit technology demonstrations are discouraged.

For more detailed information on this ITT, and to check out other currently open or intended Telecom opportunities, click here.

ESA Telecom is seeking to actively involve a wider sector of the telecommunications industry in satcom-based projects and ventures. To find out what ESA Telecom could do for your business, see the How to Particpate pages.

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