Opportunity: Digital Connected Globe

Image credit: sutadimages

Opening date: 16 May 2022
Closing date: 31 July 2022


ESA would like to announce the launch and the initial phase of the “Digital Connected Globe” initiative, which will be issued under the ARTES Programme. It offers an opportunity for companies to express their interest to engage in the Digital Twin ecosystem activities.  

Europe has the potential to become a best practice example in exploiting large-scale, complex, and interconnected Digital Twins (DTs) and to create innovative solutions, that can support data-driven decision making by government and public administrations, to address global challenges and pave the path towards a sustainable future economy. At the same time, companies can monetise on this multi-million business opportunity and build up their competitive position. 

The establishment of a rich, complex, and well-connected ecosystem of innovation and co-creation is a key success factor. Space has unique capabilities in connectivity and data, the two of the essential assets for DTs. 

The proposed industry-driven ARTES initiative will evolve in four axes, seeking to leverage on the connectivity and data infrastructures and space solutions to the benefit of the European industries: 

  1. Engage non-space and space industries to partner and co-develop solutions, forming a European Digital Twin ecosystem around connectivity and data solutions. 
  2. Explore the right architecture and governance models for an ecosystem supporting the creation of new applications exploiting the industry DTs and taking benefit from space solutions. Defining effective ways to broker information, support the deployment of relevant assets and facilitate the development of new innovative applications and services using DTs with added value from space. These can be services for smart cities, multi-mode logistics, etc.   
  3. Promote industry-led DT asset evolution, making existing DTs available for co-innovation of solutions with the space sector. Focus on facilitation and highlighting the use of satellite connectivity and space data in these solutions.   
  4. Continuous expansion to further industry verticals, as the digital transformation proceeds, and technology capabilities evolve.

The Announcement aims at attracting interested companies to engage and contribute to shaping the subsequent steps, providing information on their relevant activities and planned roadmap as well as their aspiration for positioning themselves in the Digital Twin Ecosystem. 

Companies are invited to express their intention to work with ESA in this context, by submitting information, based on the attached template. 


  •  13:00 CEST, 1 June 2022



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