The latest issue opens with Mr Jorgen Sandberg Head of the Technology Products Division at ESA inviting interested parties to the '23rd AIAA International Communications Satellite Systems Conference' and the '11th Ka and Broadband Communications Conference' in Rome Italy.
Inside CONNECT, readers can find out about developments in Europe's new line of high-power satellites, Alphabus, the contract for which was officially signed at the Le Bourget Airshow in June. In the words of Mr Giuseppe Viriglio, ESA's Director of European Union and Industrial Programmes, "We have now one product, one team, one contract: AlphaBus is right on track!"
Real solutions to bridging the Digital Divide are coming from a new project, INSPIRE from Avanti Communications. INSPIRE is helping to bring broadband access to 600 communities in the UK.
This issue of CONNECT also includes a variety of Satcom solutions, from how satellites are being used to improve security at nuclear power plants to one project E-Screen which broadcasts classic movies to audiences around Europe.
"Satellites Save Lives" that was the resounding message from the 'International Conference on Civil Protection and Space Telecommunications'. This issue of the CONNECT newsletter closes with an overview of the conference and how satcom can be used for civil protection.
All this and more can be found in the latest issue CONNECT newsletter.
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