The focus of the activity was to study the technical and economic feasibility of a low rate satellite return system to support low cost satellite interactive television services. It included a technical analysis of a low-cost satellite return channel system and a terminal for the consumer market. Reaching a low-cost was highly relevant due to the need for the system to enter the consumer market.
The reason for carrying out the study in the first place was to analyse a reduction in 'Cost of Ownership' of low-rate satellite interactive services that would take into account both service investment costs and operational costs. Low-cost to the consumer and ease of installation and operation were a top priority.
SES-Astra from Luxembourg and their two subcontractors Newtec of Belgium and Astrium of France, EMS from Canada and their Canadian subcontractor Telesat, as well as Analysys from the United Kingdom and their subcontractor ViaSaT were the prime contractors who performed the studies. Their related project pages can be looked at by clicking on the appropriate link at the top-right hand corner of this page.
Participation for the two-day presentation is limited to about 80 persons, so be sure to contact Ms Pascale Tshilumba to reserve a place. Further technical information can be requested from Ms Maria Gouta. Additionally, an agenda has been prepared and can be viewed by clicking on the link at the right of this page.