SAGAN project team to make Final Presentation

Originally known as "Web-based Satellite Capacity Management System and now called SAGAN, the project's goal was to alleviate satellite capacity problems by decreasing dependence on human operators and automating the procedure.

The project has now entered an 18 month long Operations and Maintenance Phase. From 1 March 2004, SAGAN will be used as the only operational tool for booking satellite capacity on the Eurasat SESAT satellite; a satellite leased by ESA. Three Spanish companies joined forces to realise this project: Soluciones Globales Internet (S.G.I.), GMV and Hispasat.

The presentation will begin at 9:00 and end at 12:00 on 10 February 2004. Of key interest to those attending will be a detailed account of the Requirements and Main Benefits which SAGAN can offer users. Beginning at 13:00, an invitation only Training Session for SAGAN users will also take place.

The number of people that can attend the morning presentation is limited, so anyone wishing to attend the Final Presentation should contact either Heico Salfeld or Fermin Alvarez Lopez (ESA Applications Engineers) for information.

The itinerary for the presentation is as follows:

SAGAN Final Presentation

  • ESTEC Introduction and Presentations (ESTEC)
  • Project Consortium Presentation (SGI)
  • ESA Satellite Capacity Management before SAGAN (SGI)
  • SAGAN Requirements & Main Benefits (SGI)
  • SAGAN Work Packages & Schedule (SGI)
  • SAGAN Architecture & Interfaces (SGI)
  • SAGAN Concepts & Main Procedures (SGI)
  • Available Functionality per User Profile (SGI)
  • SATCOM System Interface Functionality (SGI)
  • SAGAN Deliverable Item List (SGI)
  • Questions & Answers (All)

A need for SAGAN arose when it became clear that management of satellite capacity could be executed faster and more efficiently than the current system of human operators. It made its debut at last years Satellite Applications workshop. 

The 12-14 GHz (Ku-band) satellite capacity composed of a contiguous bandwidth of 10 MHz leased by ESA on the Eutelsat SESAT satellite, which is positioned at 36 degrees East orbital position, can be made available to projects Contractors participating in one of the ESA Telecom programme elements.

To read the Technical Information and Eligibility Requirements on the leasing of satellite capacity as well as other information on SAGAN click the relevant link on the right of this page.

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