This workshop is being organised by ESA and is open to ESA Member States and Canada. To register, you are asked to email
While NGNs were being deployed in terrestrial communication networks, ESA launched initiatives in order to define how satellite communication systems should integrate into these future multi-services all IP networks. IMS forms a cornerstone of NGN as the main service delivery platform being deployed today.
One ARTES 1 and two parallel ARTES 5 projects have developed the business models, service scenarios, technical architectures and prototype implementations in order to demonstrate the benefits to the space industry and prepare industrial developments. The workshop will cover final presentations of these recently completed activities, funded by ESA in the frame of the ARTES programme:
- ARTES-1 ‘Multi-service IP next generation satellite networks’ project, prime Thales Alenia Space Espana (E)
- ARTES-5 ‘Satcom Integration with IMS based Core Networks’ project, project prime Siemens (A)
- ARTES-5 ‘Satcom Integration with IMS based Core Networks’ project, project prime TNO (NL)
Use cases involving a wide range of applications (consumer broadband, interactive advertisement, emergency response networks, etc) and satellite systems (DVB-RCS and Astra2Connect) will be shown. The workshop will also include an invited presentation from CNES and Thales Alenia Space France about two recent R&T activities on the topic.
ESA’s Advanced Research in Telecommunications Systems (ARTES) programme enables European and Canadian industry to explore, through research and development (R&D) activities, innovative concepts to produce leading-edge satcom products and services.
For more information regarding these activities, or to view an agenda for the workshop, visit the ARTES project page links located in the column to the right.