Satcom technologies for broadband services highlighted at presentation of two ESA studies

More and more European citizens are demanding access to broadband networks while in the office, at home, or on the move. Several development projects have shown that combined terrestrial and satellite solutions can provide the best match between cost of service provision and users' expectations. Satcom technologies are perfect to cover broadband services such as; world wide coverage, direct and ubiquitous access for fixed and mobile users and the possibility of integrating different services with IP converged technologies. ESA supports several study and development activities on satellite broadband access networks and the provision of associated services. In order to consolidate the ESA strategic initiatives in this domain, two additional studies were initiated to gather a systematic overview of all issues affecting the potential deployment of these services to train passengers and the interoperability of Satellite and Alternative Terrestrial Broadband Access Technologies.

An invitation is extended to all interested parties to attend the final presentation of these studies which begins at 09:00 and ends at 18:30 in Meeting Room Newton 2 at ESTEC. If you would like to register to attend this event, follow the link located in the right column of this page.

Preparation of Internet to Trains Initiative - Phase 2: Analysis of the Opportunity and Development Roadmap

In May 2005, ESA started the activity'Preparation of Internet to Trains' to gather a systematic overview of all issues affecting the potential deployment of broadband services to train passengers. Phase One of the study covered the investigation of existing and upcoming systems providing broadband services to trains; the business analysis of the identified projects including the development of a financial model, and the definition of requirements for services. This phase was successfully concluded in July 2006.
In consideration of the high quality of results and the level of interest demonstrated by a number of actors in pursuing future research and development activities in this domain, ESA launched the continuation of the study in Phase Two. Phase Two has been performed by a consortium consisting of DLR (D) as prime and ARS (NL), Avanti Communications (UK) as subcontractors.

Interoperability of Satellite and Alternative Broadband Access Technologies

In July 2006, ESA started this activity to investigate emerging access technologies which may be used in combination with satellite for the provision of broadband internet access. The study has been performed by OmniGlobe Networks of Montreal, Canada. A presentation held in February 2007 covered a thorough review of WiMAX, PLC, Wi-Fi and DSL technologies and the availability of products on the market. This final presentation will concentrate on the results of the second part of the study.

Links to the final studies, a detailed agenda as well as contact information are located in the right column of this page.

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