Satellite Broadband Survey - Call for Volunteers

The South West Regional Authority (SWRA), the statutory body responsible for the social and economic sustainability of the South West Region of Ireland, as part of their ESA-supported project PERISCOPE, has gathered feedback from more than 180 users of Satellite Broadband in a nationwide survey.  The objective of this project is to assess the levels of uptake, quality of service, reliability and range of applications being used by satellite broadband customers.

They are now investigating the situation in other European countries to determine if the results from Irish users are valid abroad.

So, whether you run a business in a rural area using a satellite broadband connection, work or attend a school using satellite, are part of a community network with wireless and satellite technology, or simply have your own satellite broadband connection for personal or home use please take 10 minutes to complete this survey and avail of the opportunity to have your opinion included in the results of this important survey.

For more information and to complete the survey, log on to, or see related links on the right.

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