Satellite saves lives

Participants of the one-day event held at the Palais du Luxembourg in Paris on 29 April 2005 included representatives of Civil Protection Authorities from Germany, Italy, Belgium, Austria, Finland, Cyprus, Luxembourg, Bulgaria and France as well as  industry from ESA Member States.

As new threats continue to arise, citizens expect a high degree of security with Civil Protection forming a critical element of this. In this framework the French Directorate of Civil Defence and Security (DDSC) and the European Space Agency seek consensus on actions required to enable full and complete use of space communications in Civil Protection. The ENSOSP (Fire Service College) and REMIFOR (Euro-Mediterranean Network of Information and Training to Risk Management) took part in the organisation of this conference.

"We don't just need a standardisation of technology, but also of processes", stated one of the speakers, Mr Franz-Josef Molitor, Head of Section International Affaires of the BBK in Germany. All participants showed a strong interest and need in an overall approach to Civil Protection in Europe. Convergence between the different projects and systems of transmission is welcome.

2005 Civil Protection Event

Answers to the questionnaire showed that satellite solutions are not considered as fully-fledged alternatives to be judged on their own merits, but merely as complementary for the limitations of all-terrestrial solutions. An integrated system combining terrestrial and satellite components and providing mobile, broadband and data rely services would be a key asset for a pan-European crisis management capability.

"Satcom is for the benefit of each Civil Protection Authority", emphasised Mr Ferdinand Kayser, President and CEO of SES ASTRA.

Ms Pascale Sourisse

Ms Pascale Sourisse, President of Eurospace added. "It is the only solution in cases which lack existing terrestrial infrastructures, that are often not available in case of emergencies. It's coverage, worldwide connectivity, high bandwidth and robustness make it an excellent choice, not just when disaster strikes. Deploying such an infrastructure is a matter of political willingness and shouldn't be limited by strict profit issues."

Mr Jean-Francois Cazenave from Telecom Sans Frontieres pointed out succinctly: "Satellites save lives."

Early warning concepts seem to occupy a key role, not just in the questionnaire but also at the conference. "We need a compatible and standard communication system in Europe, in order to provide our citizens with the information they need in case of emergency", emphasised Mr Christos Kyriakides, Head of the Cyprus Civil Defence Force.

Mr Christos Kyriakides

Another point of common interest at the seminar was the need for common training and distance learning. Underlying many answers of the questionnaire is a genuine interest in the future and existing repercussions of the need to harmonise training and information across Europe.

Gilles Bazir

Gilles Bazir, Director of the French National School of Fireman Officers (ENSOSP) described their experience with satellite based training courses for their fire-fighters. "We have a strong Digital Divide in France and many fire-fighters don't have broadband access in the rural areas. We offer them distance learning courses via satellite, whether they are in France or Morocco."

Summarizing the event, Mr Giuseppe Viriglio, Director of European Union and Industrial Programs at ESA, pointed out that: "A common and integrated approach to civil protection in Europe is still missing. Know-How is not distributed and there are no common tools or interoperability in place yet."

Mr Giuseppe Viriglio (left)

"ESA will continue to demonstrate the capabilities of satellite and ask for a 'Civil Protection via Satellite Program' at the next Ministerial Conference", concluded Mr Viriglio.

The German, Italian, Cyprus and Finnish civil protection authorities have shown an interest in creating the dossier "SATCOM and RISK" and have invited the French civil protection authority and ESA to bring it to the attention of the General Directors of civil protection at their next meeting on 12th & 13th of May in Luxemburg.

All presentations from the event as well as the agenda and the results of the questionnaire can be downloaded (see related links on the right).
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