"As I look at the symposium I can say with satisfaction that DVB-RCS is making steady progress", stated Xavier Lobao Pujolar Chairman of the SatLabs Group.
Uses and solutions based on the DVB-RCS technology could be seen across a wide range of applications, services, industries and geographic areas, with interesting market segments emerging in the maritime, nomadic, land mobile and military areas.
Whilst the number and size of DVB-RCS technology-based networks is increasing significantly, there is still a slower take-up rate than anticipated and the deployment of network terminals is still in the thousands rather than tens of thousands.
The main recurring points, which arose throughout the two-day symposium, were:
- The need to reduce the cost of equipment, installation and the cost of space segment in order for DVB-RCS to ramp-up.
- The importance of DVB-S2 (and in particular the use of Adaptive Coding and Modulation-ACM) to make the business case sustainable and increase throughput.
- The need for practical demonstrations of interoperability, emphasising the importance of: SatLabs to make it happen and the ongoing interest from Operators and Service Providers to participate in verification.
- DVB-RCS is an evolving technology, offering optimisations to adapt to both user and market needs.
Standardization bodies, research community and industry groups are addressing the standard's evolution and strong institutional support is being received from both the European Space Agency (ESA) and the European Commission (EC).
To access all presentations from the SatLabs DVB-RCS Symposium just click under related links at the top-right of this page.