On the initiative of CNES with transport costs paid by them as well, three Portable Telemedicine Work (PTW) Stations have been lent to the Indian telemedicine company IndoComputech; and are being used on the east coast of India by mobile teams of doctors and paramedics, connecting them with central hospitals at Lucknow, Madras and Ahmadabad.
A further five more Compact Data Terminals (CDT) are being used on the east coast of India by Mobile Sanitary teams. These teams are sending information on epidemiology as well as the quality and supply of water and nutrition to Public Health Institutions in New Delhi and SE coast District Centres. Doctors and paramedics equipped with these GPS capable terminals are better able to treat patients at the scene while still maintaining close contact with Mobile Field Hospitals, a Permanent Centre or Reference Hospital; even if located outside the country. The result ensures earlier patient identification as well as quicker and more traceable data collection resulting in faster triage and better care. |
Dr. Bernard Comet from MEDES: The Institute for Space Medicine and Physiology and Prime Contractor behind I-DISCARE said, "The quick availability of I-DISCARE makes it an excellent solution for these types of emergencies. I'm very pleased that we have been chosen to be a part of this very valuable endeavour."
I-DISCARE is a follow-up from an earlier ESA Telecom funded project DELTASS which completed just two years ago and stirred a great deal of media interest, proving that satellites systems can be both cost effective and adaptable to disaster situations where ground infrastructures are partly or completely destroyed.
I-DISCARE combined the talents of MEDES and Elsacom of Italy which acted as the satellite service provider and the Norwegian Centre for Telemedicine. The project concluded with a series of pilot deployments culminating in a large demonstration in Tromsø Norway in October 2004 (image left). The list of potential users is long, with any unit needing to work in remote areas under difficult conditions from humanitarian aid workers to emergency medical and rescue workers benefiting. |
The I-DISCARE project team is presenting the final results of the ESA Telecom funded project at ESA/ESTEC Noordwijk the Netherlands at 13:00 on 19 January 2005.
To read more about I-DISCARE or DELTASS just click on the links provided on the right of this page.