UNESCO organises user day for scientific co-operation

SpaceForScience facilitates scientific co-operation by providing working and education applications to research institutions via DVB-RCS integrated platform providing a wide variety of services:

  • video conferencing
  • collaborative environment from the desktop
  • video streaming
  • multicast push
  • storage and search facilities
  • portal services
  • fast Internet

Collaborative environment
from the desktop

The project enables distant centres all over Europe to connect, meet, work, teach and learn wherever their geographical position. Isolated institutes will get the opportunity to interact with other centres, resulting in co-operative research and education as well as improved technology transfer.

SpaceforScience is an excellent example of an ESA supported project which involves not only European industry and technology but international institutions and users from non-member states.

Hands-on user day
In total twenty academies from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, FYR of Macedonia, Serbia and Montenegro and Turkey will participate. The academies have been organised according to four User Communities.

  • Computer Sciences and Telecommunications
  • Biology, Biotechnologies in Health and Genetics
  • Environment and Biotechnologies in Agriculture
  • Environmental Sciences User Group

Additionally, representatives from the Project Consortium including: ESA, Alcatel Alenia Space, C2 Consultants and UNESCO will attend.

During the user day, UNESCO will interface participants through the SpaceforScience tools at the UNESCO offices in Venice Italy. The user terminals will be connected via satellite to the hub in Cannes France.

The academies involved in this training can begin using these telecommunication and multimedia satellite services immediately after the user day.

This user day for SpaceforScience is organised by the Regional Office for Science and Technology for Europe (ROSTE) office of UNESCO in Venice Italy (see external links).

ROSTE fosters cooperation to provide specialized expertise in the fields of natural sciences and culture in South, Central and Eastern Europe.

To read more on the ESA supported project SpaceforScience click under related links at the top-right of this page.

Images courtesy of ROSTE

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